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    Human and Urban Geography

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    Alternative Capitalisms Geography of Emerging Regions

    £13.29 £21.99
    This unique book aims to examine the effects of globalization and economic and political transformations in those parts of the world which are now regularly referred to as 'emerging regions'.

    Amartya Sen's Development as Freedom

    £5.85 £6.50
    Sen's 1997 work argues that the success or failure of international development cannot be measured by income alone. Having grown up in India, Sen brings his own understanding of poverty to the issue, arguing that the end goal of development must be human freedom.

    Approaches to Human Geography

    £20.99 £29.99
    Deals with the theory and practice in Human Geography. This title offers a systematic review of the key ideas and debates informing post-war geography, explaining how those ideas work in practice. It is suitable for students who have not met philosophical or theoretical approaches.

    Brilliant Maps: An Atlas for Curious Minds

    £18.00 £20.00
    See the world anew with this unique and beautifully designed infographic atlas.

    Canadian Urban Regions: Trajectories of Growth and Change

    £86.39 £95.99
    A core text for upper-level courses in urban geography; urban planning; and urban studies at the university level.

    Changing Geography of the United Kingdom

    £49.49 £54.99
    This fully revised edition of a widely used introductory text presents a full description and interpretation of the changes that have occurred during the 1990s.

    Cities & Urban Cultures

    £19.59 £27.99
    This is the first book to explore cities and urban life from the perspectives of both sociology and cultural theory. Through an interdisciplinary approach and use of case material, the book demonstrates that the 'real' city of physicality and struggle and the 'imagined' city of representations are entwined in the construction of urban cultures.

    Cities and Design

    £44.99 £49.99
    Cities, initially a product of the manufacturing era, have been thoroughly remade in the image of consumer society. This book explores the complex relationships between design and urban environments.

    Cities and Economic Change: Restructuring and Dislocation in the Global Metropolis

    £38.69 £42.99
    A interdisciplinary, student focused exploration of contemporary global urban economies. It covers the theoretical alongside the empirical, with boxed examples and suggested reading and websites for every chapter.

    Cities and Social Change

    £38.69 £42.99
    A critical analysis of the key thinkers, themes and paradigms dealing with the relationship between the built environment and urban life.

    Cities, Disaster Risk and Adaptation

    £43.19 £47.99
    "A very timely and valuable contribution to the literature for urban planners, city governments and all those who wish to understand the interactions between urbanization, disaster risk and climate change, and explore innovative ways and means of action." -- From the Publisher.

    City Cultures Reader

    £34.29 £54.99
    Cities are products of culture and sites where culture is made. By presenting the best of classic and contemporary writing on the culture of cities, this reader provides an overview of the diverse material on the interface between cities and culture.

    City of Quartz: Excavating the Future in Los Angeles

    £11.69 £12.99
    In City of Quartz, Davis reconstructs LA's shadow history and dissects its ethereal economy.

    Climate Change Debate: An Epistemic and Ethical Enquiry

    £40.49 £44.99
    Of the two kinds of philosophical questions - epistemic and ethical - raised by the public debate about climate change, professional philosophers have dealt almost exclusively with the ethical. This book is the first to address both and examine the relationship between them.

    Colours of London: A History

    £22.50 £25.00
    In Colours of London Peter Ackroyd tells the history of London through the lens of colour - with specially commissioned colorised photographs from Dynamichrome that bring a lost London back to life.

    Cool Places

    £49.49 £54.99
    Drawing on examples from a number of countries, this text introduces the ideas of culture and space - identity politics, gender, race, class, disability, sexuality, performativity, power, agency - through a context relevant to lived experience: youth cultures.

    Countryside Planning 2ed

    £34.29 £35.99
    An introduction to rural issues and addresses key issues such as planning for agriculture and natural environment, countryside management, forestry and the built environment.

    Creating Better Cities with Children and Youth

    £31.49 £49.99
    A manual that shows how to conceptualize, structure and facilitate the participation of young people in the community development process. It is intended for urban planners, municipal officials, community development staff, non-governmental organizations, educators, youth-serving agencies, and youth advocates.

    Cultural anthropology

    £39.59 £43.99
    Continues to define student learning in the cultural anthropology course. This book offers a holistic introduction to general anthropology from the four-field perspective.

    Cultural Economy of Cities

    £33.59 £63.00
    Culture is big business. It is at the root of many urban regeneration schemes throughout the world. It is also one of the leaders of the post-Fordist economic revolution, yet the economy of culture is under-theorized and under-developed. In this wide-ranging and penetrating volume, the economic logi

    Cultural Geographies: An Introduction

    £53.99 £59.99

    Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography

    £53.99 £59.99

    Dark Matters: A Manifesto for the Nocturnal City

    £8.99 £9.99
    Where now for the secret, the contemplative, the quiet and subterranean in our cities? The question may no longer be what spaces we wish to engage with but when are they?

    Death and Life of Great American Cities

    £18.00 £20.00
    In this classic text, Jane Jacobs set out to produce an attack on current city planning and rebuilding and to introduce new principles by which these should be governed.

    Human and Urban Geography

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