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    Adult & Post-Compulsory Education

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    A Concise Guide to Lecturing in Higher Education and the Academic Professional Apprenticeship

    £20.69 £22.99
    Ideal for lecturers new to delivering higher education, organised to cover the teaching and research requirements of the new Academic Professional Apprenticeship.

    A Handbook for Student Engagement in Higher Education: Theory into Practice

    £29.69 £32.99
    A sector-leading handbook, this text unpacks how students and staff can work together to genuinely transform the higher education learning experience.

    Academia Obscura

    £8.99 £9.99
    If you think the groves of academe are all stuffiness, elbow patches and greying old men... Take a trip through the spectrum of academic oddities and unearth the Easter eggs buried in peer reviewed papers, the weird and wonderful world of scholarly social media, and rats in underpants.

    Academic Diary: Or Why Higher Education Still Matters

    £10.79 £11.99
    Sharp and witty observations of academic life that range from the local to the global, from PowerPoint to the halls of power.

    Academic Freedom in an Age of Conformity: Confronting the Fear of Knowledge

    £22.49 £24.99
    Universities, once at the forefront of campaigns for intellectual liberty, are now bastions of conformity. This provocative book traces the demise of academic freedom within the context of changing ideas about the purpose of the university and the nature of knowledge and is a passionate call to arms for the power of academic thought today.

    Academic Life and Labour in the New University: Hope and Other Choices

    £130.50 £145.00
    What does it mean to be an academic today? What kinds of experiences do students have, and how are they affected by what they learn? Why do so many students and their teachers feel like frauds? Can we learn to teach and research in ways that foster hope and deflate pretension? Academic Life and Labour in the New University.

    Achieving your Diploma in Education and Training

    £28.79 £31.99
    This textbook supports the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training for those training to teach in the further education and skills sector. It covers all the mandatory units and has been carefully designed to be the essential guide to successfully achieving the qualification.

    Addressing Student Sexual Violence in Higher Education: A Good Practice Guide

    £21.60 £24.00
    In this much anticipated second edition of their authoritative book on addressing student sexual violence at UK universities, Clarissa DiSantis and Graham Towl revisit the discussion around sexual violence within Higher Education.

    Adult learning pathways


    Advancing Practice in Academic Development

    £35.99 £39.99

    Affirmative Action and the University

    £35.10 £39.00
    While equal opportunity for all candidates is widely recognized as a goal within academia, the implementation of specific procedures to achieve equality has resulted in vehement disputes regarding both the means and ends. This title aims to encourage a reexamination of this issue.

    American University In A Postsecular Age

    £38.69 £42.99
    Religion has made a comeback in American society and on university campuses. How should higher education respond? This volume gathers essays from prominent scholars and educators who unpack the key issues.

    Artificial Intelligence Applications in Higher Education: Theories, Ethics, and Case Studies for Universities

    £35.09 £38.99
    Artificial Intelligence Applications in Higher Education offers direct examples of how artificial intelligence systems can be applied in today's higher education contexts.

    Assault on Universities: A Manifesto for Resistance

    £22.49 £24.99
    Sharp essays take on the government's agenda of university cuts and fee increases, and outline an alternative manifesto for higher education.

    Assessment and Feedback in Higher Education: A Guide for Teachers

    £18.00 £20.00

    Assessment in FE: A Practical Guide for Lecturers

    £33.29 £36.99
    Suitable reading for further education (FE) lecturers, this guide offers a general introduction to unravelling the maze of assessment in FE. It provides readers with hints and strategies for answering the key questions, including why, what, how and where to assess.

    Award in Education and Training

    £21.59 £23.99
    This revised edition is updated for the new qualification requirements and the Professional Standards for Teachers. Essential course support for the new Level 3 Award by best-selling author of Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector.

    Becoming a Professional Tutor in the Lifelong Learning Secto

    £28.79 £31.99
    An approachable and encouraging guide for trainee teachers on essential aspects of professionalism, values and ethics within the Lifelong Learning Sector.

    Being a University

    £38.69 £42.99
    Ever since its medieval origin, the concept of the university has continued to change. The metaphysical university gave way successively to the scientific university, and then to the corporate and the entrepreneurial university. This title charts this conceptual development and examines the possibilities for the idea of the university.

    Being an Academic

    £32.39 £35.99
    The role of academics in universities worldwide has undergone unprecedented change over the past decade. In this book Fanghannel explores concepts of what it means to be an 'academic' in the 21st century.

    Better Library and Learning Space: Projects, Trends, Ideas

    £58.46 £64.95
    What are the most important things a 21st-century library should do with its space? This title includes chapters that address this critical question, capturing the insights and practical ideas of international librarians, educators and designers to offer you a 'creative resource bank' that helps to transform your library and learning spaces.

    Beyond Fragments: Adults, Motivation and Higher Education

    £37.79 £41.99
    The Author Discusses The Relationship Between Motives, Education And Life history to explore how they shape people and their motives for learning, challenging the orthodox view that non-traditional students enter education for purely

    Blueprint for Computer Assisted Assessment

    £31.49 £48.99
    Produced as part of a government funded project, this book will be a practical, but research-based guide for all those in higher and further education who wish to use computers to assess their students' learning.

    Adult & Post-Compulsory Education

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