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    Doing Qualitative Desk-Based Research: A Practical Guide to Writing an Excellent Dissertation

    £22.49 £24.99
    Using two key visual pedagogical tools, this book shows you how to produce vibrant and stimulating in-depth qualitative research that draws on data readily available via the internet. Concise, practical and jam-packed with valuable tips, this book will enable you to complete a successful desk-based research project you can be proud of.

    Doing Qualitative Research 6ed

    £36.89 £40.99
    A practical, step-by-step guide to your qualitative research project, featuring interactive Silverman workshops to help you to think critically about research and choose the best path for your project.

    Doing Qualitative Research Differently: A Psychosocial Approach

    £45.90 £51.00
    Over ten years on, Hollway and Jefferson have updated their groundbreaking book for those looking to do qualitative research differently.

    Doing Qualitative Research Online

    £34.19 £37.99
    New to online qualitative research? This book equips you with the skills to make good research choices so you can confidently conduct a project using internet methods.

    Doing Rapid Qualitative Research

    £32.39 £35.99
    An introduction to rapid research, this book shows you how to do quick, quality research that balances accommodating time and resource constraints with credible research design.

    Doing Real Research: Practical Guide to Social Research

    £38.69 £42.99
    Challenging readers to move beyond the formality and idealized settings of conventional methods teaching, this book offers frank, practical advice designed to empower students and researchers working in the real world.

    Doing Realist Research

    £36.89 £40.99
    Bringing together leading theorists, researchers and policy makers with expertise in using realist methods, this book is a definitive guide to putting realist methodologies into practice.

    Doing Research 2ed

    £7.19 £7.99
    This concise guide equips undergraduate students from all disciplines with the basic knowledge for doing research. Providing direct, practical advice, this second edition covers planning, groundwork, research design, fieldwork, analysis and writing up.

    Doing Research in Sport and Exercise: A Student's Guide

    £50.40 £56.00
    This book walks you step-by-step through the entire research process, covering everything you need to successfully conduct a sports research project in the real world.

    Doing Sensory Ethnography 2ed

    £35.99 £39.99
    A cornerstone of this exciting, growing discipline, this text gives readers a clear introduction to key ideas and common complexities met when doing sensory research and provides plenty of real-world examples to show the method in action.

    Doing Visual Analysis: From Theory to Practice

    £35.09 £38.99
    This text provides a concrete set of tools to research and analyse a wide range of visual data, showing students how to apply the right mix of methods to their own research projects and equipping them with the skills to break down and analyse contemporary visual communication.

    Doing Visual Ethnography

    £36.89 £40.99
    An unrivalled exploration of what visual ethnography is and what it should be, this book maintains a fine balance between theory and practice. The author provides up-to-date digital and technological topics in this 4th edition; offering clear, relevant guidance on the approaches that contemporary students want to understand and the tools they want to use.

    Doing Work Based Research: Approaches to Enquiry for Insider-Researchers

    £38.69 £42.99
    This book is essential reading for anyone undertaking a research project in their own workplace, covering everything the researcher needs to consider when researching in this context.

    Doing Your Literature Review: Traditional and Systematic Techniques

    £28.79 £31.99
    Guiding students through the process of writing both traditional and systematic literature reviews, this book tackles an area that is an integral part of doing research, yet is often overlooked by other methods texts.

    Doing Your Research Project with Documents: A Step-By-Step Guide to Take You from Start to Finish

    £19.79 £21.99
    Encouraging critical consideration of research design, the book guides readers step-by-step through the process of planning and undertaking a research project based on documentary analysis. It covers selecting a research topic and sample through to analysing and writing up the data.

    Doing Your Research Project: A Guide for First-Time Researchers 7ed

    £22.49 £24.99

    Embodied Inquiry: Research Methods

    £17.09 £18.99

    Enabling Critical Pedagogy in Higher Education

    £20.69 £22.99
    An essential introduction to critical pedagogy for all those working within higher education, re-examining the concept and exploring its practical application at an institutional level, within the curriculum, within assessment, through learning and teaching, and in the spaces in-between.

    Event History and Survival Analysis 2ed

    £30.59 £33.99
    Drawing on recent "event history" analytical methods from biostatistics, engineering and sociology, this book explains how longitudinal data can be used to study the causes of deaths, crimes, wars, and many other human-related events.

    Experimental Designs

    £28.79 £31.99

    Exploratory and Descriptive Statistics

    £28.79 £31.99
    Nervous about statistics? This guide offers a clear, straight to the point break down of exploratory and descriptive statistics and its potential. Anchored by lots of examples and exercises to enhance your learning, this book will give you the know-how and confidence needed to succeed on your quantitative research journey.

    Exploring Learning, Identity and Power through Life History and Narrative Research

    £35.99 £39.99
    Brings together a collection of writing by different authors who use a narrative/life history approach to explore the experiences of a wide range of people, reflecting on learning and education at significant moments in their lives.

    Find the Theme in Your Data: Little Quick Fix

    £8.99 £9.99
    Focused on building confidence and decreasing anxiety from information overload this Little Quick Fix helps students build a manageable system that works for digging into and making sense of their individual data.

    Find the Theory in Your Research: Little Quick Fix

    £8.99 £9.99
    This Little Quick Fix addresses one of the most crucial steps in any research project: understanding and choosing an appropriate theory to frame the research question.


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