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    A Journey Through Qualitative Research: From Design to Reporting

    £35.99 £39.99
    A hands-on, start-to-finish guide to qualitative research, showcasing the complexities and interrelationships of different methods and strategies, taking a flexible, cyclical view of research, rather than a linear one.

    Action Research and Reflective Practice: Creative and Visual Methods to Facilitate Reflection and Learning

    £32.39 £35.99
    Exploring the tension between the use of evidence-based practice, based upon the 'solidity' of research, and reflection with its subjectivity and personal perception, this book argues that reflection is research.

    Action Research Planner: Doing Critical Participatory Action Research

    £62.99 £69.99
    This fully-updated and re-imagined version of the classic book offers a detailed outline for developing an action research project, focused specifically on Critical Participatory Action Research. Elaborates a new view of 'participation' and of 'practice.'

    Action Research: All You Need to Know

    £34.19 £37.99
    Written with Jean McNiff's trademark enthusiasm and accessibility, this book - complete with a practical workbook - gives readers all they need to be able to do action research in their own context with confidence.

    Advanced Qualitative Research

    £38.69 £42.99
    Helping researchers progress to doing more complex qualitative research, this book is grounded in theory and takes the reader beyond a 'tick box' approach to methods

    Ageing, Narrative and Identity: New Qualitative Social Research

    £40.49 £44.99
    This book outlines the methodology and results of the Fiction and the Cultural Mediation of Ageing Project, led by a research team from Brunel University, UK. It investigates how older people resist stereotypical cultural representations of ageing and demonstrates the importance of narrative understanding to social agency.

    AMA Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors

    £79.20 £88.00

    An Introduction to Qualitative Research

    £35.09 £38.99
    A new edition of THE guide to the full qualitative research process, featuring international case studies to help you situate your research in the global context.

    Analyzing and Interpreting Qualitative Research: After the Interview

    £68.40 £76.00
    Drawing on the expertise of major names in the field, this text provides comprehensive coverage of the key methods for analyzing, interpreting, and writing up qualitative research in a single volume.

    Analyzing Social Networks Using R

    £36.89 £40.99
    This approachable book introduces network research in R, walking you through every step of doing social network analysis.

    Applied Statistics Using R: A Guide for the Social Sciences

    £39.59 £43.99
    Drawing on real world data to showcase different techniques, this practical book helps you use R for data analysis in your own research.

    Applied Statistics Using Stata: A Guide for the Social Sciences

    £40.49 £44.99
    Combining theory with plenty of practical, technical advice - and accompanied by original case studies and data sets - this book makes sure that students both understand Stata and know exactly what to do to make it meet their needs.

    Archival and Secondary Data

    £28.79 £31.99
    Data archives provide rich and expansive sources of information for researchers. Part of the SAGE Qualitative Research Kit, this book highlights the utility of secondary data analyses whilst showing you how to select the right datasets for your study, and in turn get the most out of your research.

    Art of Creative Research: A Field Guide for Writers

    £14.40 £16.00

    Authentic Dissertation

    £35.99 £39.99
    Presents students and tutors with practical guidance for the kind of alternative dissertations that many educators believe are needed to move Doctoral and Master's level work beyond the limitations that stifle authentic contributions for a better world.

    Autoethnography as Method

    £34.19 £37.99
    Guides the reader through the process of conducting and producing an autoethnographic study through the understanding of self, other, and culture. This book offers various techniques for gathering data on the self and shows how to transform this information into a study that looks for the connection with others present in a diverse world.

    A-Z Common Reference Questions for Academic Librarians

    £56.25 £62.50
    A-Z Common Reference Questions for Academic Librarians is a survival guide for frontline library staff to help them find appropriate information quickly, whether they are answering questions at a physical help desk or remotely by telephone, email or instant messaging service.

    Bayesian Methods in Statistics: From Concepts to Practice

    £39.59 £43.99
    This book gets you up and running with doing complex Bayesian statistics, focussing on applied analysis rather than maths.

    Being Ethnographic: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Ethnography

    £35.09 £38.99
    An inventive, applied guide to doing research in the field with a clear framework for planning, conducting and writing about ethnography.

    Between the Spreadsheets: Classifying and Fixing Dirty Data

    £33.29 £36.99
    'Almost anyone can improve the quality of their data using this book as a prompt/guide' - Customer Insight Leader

    Big Data Mining and Complexity

    £28.79 £31.99
    This book offers a much needed critical introduction to data mining and 'big data'. Supported by multiple case studies and examples, the authors provide everything needed to explore, evaluate and review big data concepts and techniques.

    Biographical Research Methods

    £32.39 £35.99
    This book is a systematic, flexible guide to using biographical narrative methods as part of a research project, featuring a diverse range of case studies that show students how methods can be adapted to a range of international contexts and disciplines.

    Bryman's Social Research Methods 6th Rev Ed

    £48.59 £53.99
    Clear, comprehensive, and trusted, Bryman's Social Research Methods has guided over a quarter of a million students through their research methods course and student research project. The thoroughly updated sixth edition offers unrivalled coverage of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods with renewed focus and a fresh, modern feel.


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