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    A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

    £88.20 £98.00
    Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area.

    A Shelter for Sadness

    £6.29 £6.99
    A poignant and heartwarming picture book exploring the nature of sadness, beautifully illustrated by David Litchfield and now available in paperback.

    A Short History of the Normans

    £13.49 £14.99

    Across the Divide

    £6.29 £6.99

    Adventure's of B!

    £6.29 £6.99

    Animal Farm

    £3.59 £3.99
    George Orwell wrote Animal Farm as a scathing satire of the Soviet Union under Stalin. Today, it remains a powerful fable about the nature of tyranny and corruption which applies for all ages.

    Animated Landscapes: History, Form and Function

    £34.19 £37.99
    The first comprehensive study of animated landscapes across media.

    Anne Boleyn: Adultery, Heresy, Desire

    £17.09 £18.99
    THE biography of the most alluring, important and enigmatic of Henry VIII's six wives - Anne Boleyn.

    Anne Boleyn: Adultery, Heresy, Desire

    £22.50 £25.00
    THE biography of the most alluring, important and enigmatic of Henry VIII's six wives, Anne Boleyn.

    Anne Neville: Richard III's Tragic Queen

    £9.89 £10.99
    The real story of the 'Kingmaker's Daughter'. Published to coincide with the reburial of Richard III

    Anthony Eden, Anglo-American Relations and the 1954 Indochina Crisis

    £28.79 £31.99

    Applying Social Work Theory: A Journal

    £17.09 £18.99

    Arcade Britannia: A Social History of the British Amusement Arcade

    £26.10 £29.00

    Authentic and Inauthentic Places in Tourism: From Heritage Sites to Theme Parks

    £37.79 £41.99
    This book explores the geography of authenticity, investigating a wide variety of places used by tourists, but it also includes chapters on art and place, hipster places, gentrification, heritage sites and film locations. Itis an essential read for those in the study of geography, tourism, urban studies, culture and heritage.

    A-Z of Primary Teaching: 200+ terms every new primary teacher needs to know

    £17.09 £18.99
    This student reference A-Z book supports trainee teachers to learn the 'language' of schools and teaching. It covers a wide range of terms used in schools and education in the UK.

    Badger Clan: My Badgers and Other Family

    £10.79 £11.99
    ‘The only badgers I ever get to see are dead ones.’ ‘Well, if you keep seeing dead ones, their family can’t be far away.’ This throwaway conversation niggled, leading Caroline Greville to seek out her own neighbourhood badgers near her Kent home. She found them and was soon well-acquainted – so too were most of her family. A sense of interconnectedness developed as they had more badger contact than they could have hoped for. Badger Clan charts a simple quest that turns into a full-blown obsession. From loitering near a sett to working as local contact for a regional badger group, this memoir tells of wild encounters and gradual, intimate knowledge of the local clan. The story is rooted in rural village life, while the family are honestly depicted and relatable. A feel-good read in which enthusiast and elusive creature become inextricably bound.

    BBC National Short Story Award 2021

    £7.19 £7.99
    The BBC National Short Story Award with Cambridge University (NSSA) is an award that has enriched both the careers of writers and the wider literary landscape since its launch sixteen years ago.One of the most prestigious prizes for a single short story, the winning author receives GBP15,000.

    Behaviour for Learning: Proactive Approaches to Behaviour Management 2ed

    £32.39 £35.99
    "First edition published by Routledge 2015"--T.p. verso.

    Belfast and Derry in Revolt: A New History of the Start of the Troubles

    £16.19 £17.99

    Best, Most Awful Job: Twenty Writers Talk Honestly About Motherhood

    £11.69 £12.99
    What does it mean to be a mother?; Twenty writers speak out in this searingly honest, diverse and powerful collection.

    Biological Nurturing: Instinctual Breastfeeding 2ed

    £13.49 £14.99
    This book restores confidence in nature's biological design and in mothers' innate capacity to breastfeed.


    £7.19 £7.99

    University Authors

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