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    Primary Education

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    £24.49 £44.99

    Powering Up Children: The Learning Power Approach to primary teaching

    £18.00 £20.00
    In Powering Up Children: The Learning Power Approach to primary teaching, Guy Claxton and Becky Carlzon harness the design principles of the Learning Power Approach (LPA) to provide a rich resource of effective teaching strategies for use in the primary school classroom.

    Primary Curriculum : Teaching the Foundation Subjects

    £38.69 £42.99
    Focuses on how to teach the foundation curriculum subjects effectively to the 5-11 age group. This textbook covers various manners of good practice including: cross-curricular links, planning, assessment and evaluation along with teaching beyond the classroom.

    Primary Curriculum 2014 Conference Book

    £9.00 £10.00

    Primary Curriculum Design Handbook

    £31.50 £35.00
    A practical guide to designing primary curriculum. It looks at how schools can meet the requirements of a National Curriculum and yet be flexible enough to meet the needs, interests and concerns of pupils, to be rooted in their lives and localities and to give scope for teachers to use their own creativity.

    Primary Curriculum: A Creative Approach 2ed

    £30.59 £33.99
    Provides trainee teachers with a clear understanding of how to embed inspiring teaching across the subjects that make up the new Primary Curriculum.

    Primary School Placements: A Critical Guide to Outstanding Teaching

    £16.20 £18.00
    This book is an essential companion for all primary trainees in schools, whatever their training route. It provides both practical strategies and opportunities for reflection, so trainees are challenged to critically evaluate their experiences in order to improve their attainment and ultimately succeed in placement.

    Primary Teacher's Handbook 2ed

    £16.19 £17.99
    A practical resource book for primary teachers. It covers various issues that matter to teachers on a day-to-day basis. It includes over eighty key words, ranging from assessment to behaviour, and planning to SEN.

    Primary Teaching Today: An Introduction

    £25.19 £27.99
    Takes the reader 'behind the scenes' and alerts them to the fundamental attitudes and practices that every new primary teacher must acquire to make a success of their work and, crucially, to get maximum enjoyment while doing so. This book focuses as much on what primary teachers should aspire to be as it does on what teachers are meant to do.

    Primary Teaching: Learning and teaching in primary schools today 2ed

    £28.79 £31.99
    Full coverage of the content of professional studies modules and goes beyond to support trainees on placements and in their learning on the course.

    Primary to Secondary : Overcoming the Muddle in the Middle

    £9.86 £10.95

    Professional Issues for Primary Teachers

    £40.49 £44.99
    This book deals with the key professional issues faced by students on teacher training courses and practicing primary teachers.

    Professional studies in the Primary School

    £20.99 £31.99
    Teachers as professionals; Thee reflective practitioner; Teachers and the law; Teaching and learning in the primary school; Planning for teaching and learning; Monitoring and assessing learning; Behaviour management; Classroom approaches and organisation; The individual in the primary classroom; Different needs and different responses;.

    Promoting Effective Group Work in the Primary Classroom

    £19.59 £27.99
    Suitable for those schools wishing to make group work a more effective and successful way of learning, this book includes strategies for teachers and fun activities for children. It shows teachers how to create an inclusive and supportive classroom by developing the social, communicative and group working skills of all pupils.

    Psychology of Teaching and Learning in the Primary School

    £35.99 £39.99
    An introductory text for trainee and practising primary teachers reviewing theory and research in psychology as it relates to practice in the primary classroom. The book discusses basic principles for practice, and explores how these can be developed in classroom situations.

    Quality Through Progression

    £9.00 £10.00

    Really Useful Creativity Book

    £35.99 £39.99
    What is creativity and how do we teach it? This book provides approaches and ideas that enable children to develop their creativity. Written for the primary school teacher, student or trainee teacher, it shows you how creativity can flourish in your classroom.

    Reflective Learning And Teaching in primary Schools

    £31.49 £34.99
    A guide to improving learning and teaching through reflective practice for trainee primary teachers.

    Reflective Primary Teaching: Meeting the Teachers' Standards throughout your professional career

    £21.59 £23.99
    Fully revised and updated, this text helps trainees and teachers develop their effectiveness by reflecting on, analysing and improving their practice in the light of a deeper understanding of the professional Teachers' Standards.

    Reflective Teaching in Primary Schools 6ed

    £26.99 £29.99

    Reorganising Primary Classroom Learning

    £18.19 £25.99
    Suggests that the way in which children are asked to work in primary classrooms has a significant and generally unrecognized influence on their attention and learning. This book looks at the practice of seating young children in groups around tables, and shows that this accepted practice makes learning unnecessarily difficult.

    Researching Primary Education

    £27.89 £30.99
    How do we know what works in primary schools? The answer lies in research. In understanding, conducting, disseminating and learning from research. This book is your guide to research in primary education.

    See Inside First World War

    £9.89 £10.99
    A flap book that is packed with information about the First World War, from the start of the conflict in 1914, to its resolution in 1918. It includes scenes such as a battleship fight, the war in the skies, trenches on the Western Front, and a tank battle in no man's land.

    Primary Education

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