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    Felder's Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes 4ed

    £43.19 £47.99
    * This best selling text prepares students to formulate and solve material and energy balances in chemical process systems and lays the foundation for subsequent courses in chemical engineering. * The text provides a realistic, informative, and positive introduction to the practice of chemical engineering.

    Foundation Mathematics

    £53.99 £59.99
    A complete entry level mathematics book based on the phenomenally successful approach of the bestselling Engineering Mathematics by the same authors. This book is designed to help students embarking on a wide range of higer education courses to improve their mathematics to the required standard.

    Fuel Cell Fundamentals

    £116.06 £128.95
    A complete, up-to-date, introductory guide to fuel cell technology and application Fuel Cell Fundamentals provides a thorough introduction to the principles and practicalities behind fuel cell technology.

    Fundamentals of Computer Architecture and Design

    £98.99 £109.99
    This textbook provides semester-length coverage of computer architecture and design, providing a strong foundation for students to understand modern computer system architecture and to apply these insights and principles to future computer designs.

    HAZOP: Guide to Best Practice

    £56.69 £62.99

    Human Factors of a Global Society: A System of Systems Perspective

    £49.49 £54.99

    Incropera's Principles of Heat and Mass Transfer

    £43.19 £47.99

    Industrial Chemical Process Design

    £133.19 £147.99
    The most complete, up-to-date, problem-solving toolkit for chemical engineers and process designers provides a step-by-step methodology and 25 downloadable, customizable software applications that offer quick, accurate solutions to complex process design problems.

    Instrumentation and Control Systems 3ed

    £51.26 £56.95

    Integrated Science 7ed

    £53.09 £58.99

    Introduction to Chemical Engineering Kinetics and Reactor Design 2ed

    £116.06 £128.95
    One of the most acclaimed books in the field, Introduction to Chemical Engineering Kinetics and Reactor Design provides an introductory text focusing on chemical kinetics and reactor for chemical engineering students.

    Introduction to Dynamics

    £53.99 £59.99
    This book is intended to serve as a text on dynamics for undergraduate students of engineering.

    Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics

    £87.29 £96.99
    The new edition places the subject matter into a system context using a human-machine model to structure the chapters and a knowledge application model to structure the organisation of material in each chapter. Every chapter covers: Core Concepts, Basic Applications, Tools and Processes, and System Integration issues regardless of topic.

    Introduction to Soil Mechanics

    £62.99 £69.99

    Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics: United States Edition

    £100.00 £111.11

    Isambard Kingdom Brunel: The Engineering Visionary

    £8.99 £9.99
    Brunel made plenty of mistakes, some of them ruinously expensive. But he also designed and built several structures which are still with us to this day. For these we have to thank a man who was famously described as 'in love with the impossible'.

    JCT: Design and Build Contract 2016 (DB)

    £96.12 £106.80

    Laser Material Processing

    £53.99 £59.99
    This text moves from the basics of laser physics to detailed treatments of all major materials processing techniques for which lasers are now essential. New chapters cover laser physics, drilling, micro- and nanomanufacturing and biomedical laser processing.

    Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing of Metal Parts: Modeling, Optimization, and Control of Mechanical Properties

    £34.19 £37.99
    This book is a comprehensive look at new technologies in LBAM of metal parts, covering topics such as mechanical properties, microstructural features, thermal behavior and solidification, process parameters, optimization and control, uncertainty quantification, and more.

    Major Infrastructure Projects: Planning for Delivery

    £53.99 £59.99

    Materials and Design 3ed

    £43.19 £47.99
    Materials are the stuff of design. This book explores the role of materials and materials processing in product design, with a particular emphasis on creating desired aesthetics and functionality. It features useful "materials profiles," that gives critical design, processing, performance and applications criteria for each material in question.

    Materials Science and Engineering 7ed rev

    £123.30 £137.00


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