A ground-breaking look at gender and sex from the world's leading primatologist and New York Times bestselling author of ARE WE SMART ENOUGH TO KNOW HOW SMART ANIMALS ARE?
Following the phenomenal success of "Does Anything Eat Wasps?" and the even more spectacularly successful "Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze?", this collection includes a bumper crop of wise and wonderful answers.
Many people who have ever owned a pet will swear that their dog or cat or other animal has exhibited some kind of behavior they just can't explain. How does a dog know when its owner is returning home at an unexpected time? Filled with stories and analysis, this title offers an exploration of animal behavior.
This is compelling reading for British historians, environmental scholars, historians of technology, and anyone interested in state formation in early modern Europe.
'Dry Store Room No. 1' is an intimate biography of the Natural History Museum, celebrating the eccentric personalities who have peopled it and capturing the wonders of scientific endeavour, academic rigour and imagination.
Includes chapters on Nerves and Muscles and the Endocrine System. This book also includes comparative systems physiology and environmental physiology. It analyses and integrates problems and adaptations for each kind of environment: marine, seashore and estuary, freshwater, terrestrial and parasitic.
Offers an introduction to the fundamental concepts of cell biology. This book provides the reader with a framework of the basic science that underlies our understanding of biology. It also offers a media DVD-ROM with over 130 animations and videos, and a fresh self-test quizzing feature for students.
This new edition of Evolution features a new coauthor: Mark Kirkpatrick (The University of Texas at Austin) offers additional expertise in evolutionary genetics and genomics, the fastest-developing area of evolutionary biology.
Evolution: The Basics is an engaging introduction to the history, development and science of the theory of evolution. Beginning pre-Darwin and concluding with the latest research and controversies, readers are introduced to the origins of the idea of evolution, the ways in which it has developed and been adapted over time and the science underpinning it all.
How does development influence evolution? This book explores the idea that development and evolution interact to make genetic evolution predictable. It reviews essential principles from developmental biology and population genetics to provide a foundation for understanding the causes of genetic evolution.
Parasites have become a powerful model system for the study of ecology and evolution, with practical applications in disease prevention. This work presents an evolutionary framework for the study of parasite biology, combining theory with empirical examples for a broader understanding of why parasites are as they are and do what they do.
The only undergraduate textbook devoted to experimental design for the life sciences, making this essential aspect of the research process readily understandable.
The second edition of A Fabulous Kingdom will explain the history of the arctic and describe the current scientific and environmental issues that threaten this fascinating region.
Food and Sustainability is the first text on this topic to consistently and coherently bring together important concepts from different disciplines to introduce students to a common challenge: food sustainability.
Gaia, in which James Lovelock puts forward his inspirational and controversial idea that the Earth functions as a single organism, with life influencing planetary processes to form a self-regulating system aiding its own survival, is now a classic work that continues to provoke heated scientific debate.