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    Allied Health

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    Clinical Imaging: with Skeletal, Chest, & Abdominal Pattern Differentials 3ed

    £164.69 £182.99
    Allows students and practitioners to quickly develop a better understanding of diagnostic imaging. Covering soft tissue imaging and skeletal imaging, including brain and spinal cord, chest, and abdomen, this title integrates plain film with MRI and CT.

    Clinical Leadership for Paramedics

    £24.29 £26.99
    Leadership is a vital part of delivering high quality healthcare for all healthcare professionals. This book demonstrates how vital leadership skills are for all paramedics and explore how paramedics can lead in their everyday practice.

    Clinical Neuroanatomy - made ridiculously simple

    £14.36 £15.95

    Clinical Physiology Made Ridiculously Simple

    £11.86 £16.95

    Clinical Pocket Reference for Nursing Associates: Essential Knowledge for Clinical Practice: 2023

    £15.29 £16.99
    This resource contains the essential knowledge the Nursing Associate needs to deliver safe, confident, and person-centred care, across the four nursing fields: adult, children, learning disabilities and mental health. This pocket reference emphasises the unique NA role and recognizes the diverse range of clinical areas in which NAs work.

    Clinical Pocket Reference Operating Department Practice 3ed

    £15.29 £16.99
    This resource delivers rapid access to essential knowledge for the student or perioperative practitioner whatever their role within the operating department. It is portable, durable, fully referenced, clearly written, logically presented, and suitable for all qualification pathways. Enables further learning through references and weblinks.

    Clinical Pocket Reference: Neurosciences

    £13.49 £14.99
    An invaluable resource for the practising nurse caring for patients with neurological disorders and for shared use in ward, clinic and community.

    Clinically Oriented Anatomy 7ed

    £45.90 £51.00
    Provides medical students with the clinically oriented anatomical information that they need in study and practice. This book features a new-and-improved art program to reinforce its position as the primary resource serving the needs of anatomy students during both the basic science and the clinical phases of their studies.

    Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

    £6.75 £7.50

    Cognitive Behavioural Interventions in Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy

    £33.29 £36.99
    Presents the application of the model of cognitive behavioural intervention in the practice of physiotherapy and occupational therapy addressing a range of clinical problems. This book aims to increase knowledge and awareness of how CBT can be applied within a theoretical framework from which physiotherapists and occupational therapists work.

    Colorful Introduction to the Anatomy of the Human Brain

    £29.69 £32.99

    Colour Atlas of Anatomy: A Photographic Study of the Human Body 7ed

    £50.40 £56.00
    Features full-color photographs of actual cadaver dissections, with accompanying schematic drawings and diagnostic images. In this title, the photographs depict anatomic structures and shows students specimens as they will appear in the dissection lab. It also features clinical imaging, including MRIs, CTs, and endoscopic techniques.

    Communicating in the Health Sciences 3ed

    £44.99 £49.99
    Communicating in the Health Sciences, third edition is an accessible and engaging introduction to communication within the health sciences. It explores the nature of communication and the communication issues facing students and professionals in the health sciences.

    Complementary and Alternative Medicine (£19.99)

    £25.20 £28.00
    A guide for undergraduate pharmacy students that gives bullet points of basic information on therapeutics. It focuses on what pharmacy students need to know in order to pass exams, providing bulleted information, key points, tips and a self-assessment section which includes MCQs, case studies, sample essay questions, and worked examples.

    Complementary Medicine

    £16.19 £17.99
    Aims to help pharmacists advise on complementary and alternative medicine, and recommend what is available and what may be appropriate for a particular patient. Giving an overview of CAM therapies, this book also focuses on specific conditions, with detail to those relevant to pharmacists - such as asthma and pain relief.

    Complementary Therapies for Health Care Professionals

    £17.99 £19.99

    Complete Guide to Massage

    £5.36 £5.95
    Massage has been practised in one form or another for thousands of years, and its beneficial effects are well established. This guide includes techniques for self massage, instant massage, and sports massage to soothe aching muscles and joints.

    Complete Homeopathy Handbook

    £18.00 £20.00
    A guide to the use of homeopathy in treating a wide range of complaints. The book includes treatments for: coughs, colds, flu and sore throats; childhood illnesses, such as mumps; food poisoning; a variety of accidents and injuries; and toothache, earache, headache and menstrual cramps.

    Complete Human Body: The Definitive Visual Guide 2ed

    £27.00 £30.00

    Complete Recovery Room Book 6ed

    £43.19 £47.99
    The Complete Recovery Room Book, Sixth edition is an essential resource for health care professionals involved in post-operative care.

    Concepts of Occupational Therapy 4ed

    £36.90 £41.00
    Analyzing the conceptual (theoretical) and practice (application) models, this title presents the major ideas which form the core knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the occupational therapy profession. It presents the models along with a historical background of the major concepts, and case studies.

    Conceptual Foundations of Occupational Therapy Practice 4ed

    £78.30 £87.00
    Traces the historical development of the foundations of modern occupational therapy theory; examines its status; and, looks to its future. This title compares and contrasts eight well-known models, using diagrams to illustrate their practical applications and to highlight their similarities and differences.

    Allied Health

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