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    University of Minnesota Press

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    Queer Game Studies

    £18.89 £20.99
    A landmark anthology opens video game studies to queer culture

    Subaltern Studies Reader, 1986-95

    £21.59 £23.99
    These essays chart the course of subaltern history from an early concentration on peasant revolts and popular insurgency to an engagement with the more complex processes of domination and subordination, in a variety of the changing institutions and practices of evolving modernity.

    The Lesser Existences: Etienne Souriau, an Aesthetics for the Virtual

    £15.29 £16.99

    The Life Worth Living: Disability, Pain, and Morality

    £17.99 £19.99

    Worlds Built to Fall Apart: Versions of Philip K. Dick

    £20.69 £22.99

    University of Minnesota Press

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