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    University of Minnesota Press

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    Each Hour Redeem: Time and Justice in African American Literature

    £19.79 £21.99

    Feminine endings

    £10.49 £19.99

    Further to Fly

    £21.59 £23.99


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    Noah's Arkive

    £23.39 £25.99

    Pieces of Sound

    £21.59 £23.99
    A cultural history of German radio broascasting from the 1930s until the present day.

    Prismatic Ecology: Ecotheory Beyond Green

    £21.59 £23.99
    Prismatic Ecology moves beyond the accustomed green readings of ecotheory and maps a colorful world of ecological possibility. By way of color, Jeffrey Jerome Cohen guides readers through a reflection of an essentially complex and disordered universe and demonstrates the spectrum as an unfinishable totality, always in excess of what a human perceives.

    Public Space and Democracy

    £21.59 £23.99

    University of Minnesota Press

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