A bold and engaging intellectual synthesis on how modern societies can develop economically, equitably, and sustainably while preserving Earth's ecosystems and biodiversity.
Since their inception, nuclear weapons have multiplied at an alarming rate, leaving everyone from policymakers to concerned citizens wondering what it will take to slow, stop, or even reverse their spread. This book looks at the history of nuclear proliferation. It covers the development of nuclear stockpiles.
"Activist, journalist, and theorist, Eqbal Ahmad was admired by and consulted by activists and policymakers. He inspired new ways of thinking about militant Islam, the U.S. involvement in Vietnam, and the Cold War. This intellectual biography relates Ahmad's life to the political transformations that occurred globally in the second half of the twentieth century"--Provided by publisher.
"Activist, journalist, and theorist, Eqbal Ahmad was admired by and consulted by activists and policymakers. He inspired new ways of thinking about militant Islam, the U.S. involvement in Vietnam, and the Cold War. This intellectual biography relates Ahmad's life to the political transformations that occurred globally in the second half of the twentieth century"--Provided by publisher.
Exploring the status of feminism in this "postfeminist" age, this work on feminist thinking aims to move away from the all too common dependence on French theorists and male thinkers and instead builds on feminist theory written by women. These writings address the question "Where are we going?" as well as "Where have we come from?"
This edition contains all chapters from the original 1986 edition plus critical analyses of the films of Martin Scorcese and Michael Cimino, a political assault on the films of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, and in in-depth meditation on Brian De Palma.