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    West, Linden

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    Beyond Fragments: Adults, Motivation and Higher Education

    £37.79 £41.99
    The Author Discusses The Relationship Between Motives, Education And Life history to explore how they shape people and their motives for learning, challenging the orthodox view that non-traditional students enter education for purely

    Embodied Narratives: Connecting Stories, Bodies, Cultures & Ecologies

    £24.17 £26.85

    Old and New Worlds of Adult Learning

    £31.49 £34.99

    Researching Critical Reflection: Multidisciplinary Perspectives

    £46.79 £51.99

    Transforming Perspectives in Lifelong Learning and Adult Education: A Dialogue

    £107.99 £119.99

    Transforming Perspectives in Lifelong Learning and Adult Education: A Dialogue

    £107.99 £119.99

    Using Biographical Methods in Social Research

    £44.09 £48.99
    The book's pedagogical features, practical focus and cross disciplinary theoretical perspective makes this an interesting, accessible and interactive as well as a provocative textbook for students and researchers

    West, Linden

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