Blackstone's Statutes on Contract, Tort & Restitution is edited and designed to help you succeed in your law studies. With a reputation for accuracy and authority spanning over 30 years, Blackstone's Statutes remain first-choice for students and lecturers, providing a careful selection of updated legislation needed for exam/course use.
Blackstone's Statutes on Contract, Tort & Restitution is edited and designed to help you succeed in your law studies. With a reputation for accuracy and authority spanning over 30 years, Blackstone's Statutes remain first-choice for students and lecturers, providing a careful selection of updated legislation needed for exam/course use.
Course Notes supports revision of the essential modules of undergraduate and conversion GDL/CPE law degree courses by demonstrating good practice in creating and maintaining the ideal revision notes and actively encouraging you to acquire the analytical skills you will need for exam success.
Maximise your marks for every answer you write with Law Express Question and Answer. This series is designed to help you understand what examiners are looking for, focus on the question being asked and make even a strong answer stand out.
Support your students' learning with this comprehensive text. Tort Law, 9th edition, combines the expert knowledge of the authors with the latest developments in this area of the law to provide your students with a powerful learning aid from the bestselling law revision series Law Express. This text includes a range of relevant learning features.
The Law Express series is designed to help you revise effectively. This book is your guide to understanding essential concepts, remembering and applying key legislation and making your answers stand out!
Tort Law, 8th edition serves as an excellent revision companion to your course. Teach students to effectively analyse and review essential cases, statutes and legal terms with concise revision material that does not compromise on depth of knowledge. For additional support, check out all learning resources for Law Express on the companion website.
Markesinis and Deakin's Tort Law is an authoritative, analytical, and well-established textbook, now in its eighth edition. The authors provide a variety of comparative and economic perspectives on the law of tort and its likely development, placing the subject in its socio-economic context, giving students a deeper understanding of tort law.
This book does what it 'says on the tin' - stating the corpus of tort law as a body of principles. Undertaken for the first time in English tort law, this book describes the law of tort concisely, accessibly, and accurately, and with both depth and detail.
Routledge Q&As give you the tools to practice and refine your exam technique, showing you how to apply your knowledge to maximum effect in an exam situation. Each book contains up to fifty essay and problem-based questions on the most commonly examined topics, complete with expert guidance and fully worked model answers.
The fourth edition of The Principles of the Law of Restitution brings this widely cited and influential volume fully up to date and reflects significant changes in the law of restitution and the expansion in the theoretical and critical commentary on the subject.
This volume helps you to get to the heart of tort law, ensuring you get the most out of your study time when it really matters. It is designed to help you understand what is important about tort law, enable you to remember the important cases and statutes, and show you how to apply your knowledge effectively in exams.
Tort Law Concentrate is written and designed to help you succeed. Accurate and reliable, Concentrate guides go above and beyond, not only consolidating your learning but focusing your revision and maximising your potential.
A considered balance of depth, detail, context, and critique, Tort Law Directions offers the most student friendly guide to the subject; empowering students to evaluate the law, understand its practical application, and approach assessments with confidence.