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    The Science of Racism: Everything you need to know but probably don't - yet

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    ISBN: 9781035030651
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    AuthorWest, Keon
    Pub Date23/01/2025
    Publisher: PICADOR
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    Availability: Available for despatch from the bookshop in 48 hours
    How do we know if racism really exists? And, if it does, how big a problem is it for the outcomes of people of colour? Only science has the answers to some of society's most pressing questions.

    Polls show that over 50% of us don't believe racism exists.
    In a world made for White people, The Science of Racism uses clear scientific research to expose what we know about racism, exactly how we know it, and what we can do about it.

    'Illuminating, surprising, unnerving, moving' - Sathnam Sanghera
    'Short circuits the brain' - The Independent
    'A book that shouldn't have to exist . . . but I'm glad it does' - Adam Rutherford

    *British police are nine times more likely to use their tasers on Black people.
    *An item being advertised on eBay will sell for approximately 20% less if a dark-skinned hand is shown in the photos.
    *Black Caribbean applicants have to apply for around 50% more jobs in order to receive a positive response.

    Professor Keon West cuts through the divisive anecdotes and rhetoric with decades' worth of clear, factual, rigorous science - the data that reveals truths about racism that are shocking and tragic, but also (somehow) funny and entertaining.

    Whatever you've read before, this book will ensure that you never see racism in the same way again.