This fifth edition is appropriate for a one semester general course in Applied Statistics or as a reference book for practicing researchers in a wide variety of disciplines, including medicine, health and human services, natural and social sciences, law, and engineering.
The updated edition of this classic text introduces a range of techniques for exploring quantitative data. Beginning with an emphasis on descriptive statistics and graphical approaches, it moves on in later chapters to simple strategies for examining the associations between variables using inferential statistics such as chi squared.
Fifty Things that Shaped the Modern Economy paints the epic picture of economic change in an intimate way, by telling the stories of tools and ideas that had far-reaching and unexpected consequences.
Presented through exciting examples, with an emphasis on understanding rather than computation, the Second Edition provides a crystal clear introduction to the main statistical procedures used in the psychological and social sciences.
There are some mathematical problems whose significance goes beyond the ordinary - like Fermat's Last Theorem or Goldbach's Conjecture. This book explains why these problems exist, why they matter, what drives mathematicians to incredible lengths to solve them and where they stand in the context of mathematics and science as a whole.
In searching out the methodological principles on which grounded theory is built, the author reveals its main features as a qualitative research methodology for social research and the issues fundamental to understanding it. He also highlights the disagreements between the originators of grounded theory, their reasons, and their effects.
In this Very Short Introduction, Jacqueline Stedall explores the rich historical and cultural diversity of mathematical endeavour from the distant past to the present day, using illustrative case studies drawn from a range of times and places; including early imperial China, the medieval Islamic world, and nineteenth-century Britain.
Explores the mathematician's method of analyzing life, from the everyday to the cosmic, showing us which numbers to defend, which ones to ignore and when to change the equation entirely. This book tells us that maths touches on everything we do, and a little mathematical knowledge reveals the hidden structures that lie beneath the chaotic surface.
This easy-to-use guide identifies and addresses the areas where most students need help with basic mathematical problems that occur in everyday life and academic study and provides straightforward, practical tips and solutions that will enable you to assess and then improve your performance.
In a new textbook designed for students new to statistics and social data, Gorard focuses on non-inferential statistics as a basis to provide readers with fundamental statistical literacy. Assuming no previous statistical knowledge, the author demystifies the subject in an engaging and approachable style.
Statistics is arguably the main means through which maths appears in non-maths courses. De-mystifying the basics for even the most maths-terrified of students, this book will inspire confident and accurate use of statistics for non-maths courses.
This new edition of one of the most widely read textbooks in its field introduces the reader to data analysis with the most powerful and versatile statistical package on the market: IBM SPSS Statistics 19.
Impressive numbers are thrown at us by the news every day. They are meant to help us understand, to compare, to evaluate, but in practice they often befuddle rather than enlighten. This entertaining, practical book gives us the tools and tips to decipher the figures, and to enjoy the way numbers enable us to understand our world.