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    Researching Critical Reflection: Multidisciplinary Perspectives

    £46.79 £51.99

    Researching Leisure, Sport and Tourism: The Essential Guide

    £37.79 £41.99
    What are the essential research methods for students studying leisure, sport and tourism? What are the main benefits in competing research methods, and how can you avoid gremlins in the research process? This book deals with these questions.

    Researching Organizations: The Practice of Organizational Fieldwork

    £45.90 £51.00
    Identifying the practicalities and key challenges of carrying out organisational research, this important new book introduces students across disciplines to all that is involved with this type of fieldwork

    Researching Social Life 4ed

    £44.09 £48.99
    Paul Stoneman and Nigel Gilbert breathe new energy into this classic bestselling textbook providing clear, relevant advice and extensive coverage of all the research methods you need to understand today's society.

    Respondent Centred Surveys: Stop, Listen and then Design

    £36.89 £40.99
    This book empowers you to take a fresh, effective approach to getting better data from your surveys.

    Returning to Study for a Research Degree

    £24.29 £26.99
    The book provides practical guidance to help returning students to balance study, work, leisure and family life as well as suggesting strategies that will help them to enhance their skills, develop critical awareness and become more creative.

    Reworking Qualitative Data

    £31.49 £34.99
    Comprehensive and invaluable introduction to this growing field of social research and will be a useful aid to academics, researchers and postgraduate students across the social sciences, but particularly in sociology and anthropology.

    SAGE Dictionary of Social Research Methods

    £35.99 £39.99
    Bringing together the work of over eighty leading academics and researchers worldwide to produce the definitive reference and research tool for the social sciences, The SAGE Dictionary of Social Research Methods contains more than 230 entries providing the widest coverage of the all the main terms in the research process.

    Sampling and Choosing Cases in Qualitative Research: A Realist Approach

    £40.49 £44.99
    Helping students to become familiar with various sampling techniques and how to make empirical and theoretical claims from the cases they choose, this text introduces widely used sampling methodologies and identifies key theoretical assumptions

    Scale Development: Theory and Applications

    £48.60 £54.00
    Scale Development: Theory and Applications, by Robert F. DeVellis and new co-author Carolyn T. Thorpe, demystifies measurement by emphasizing a logical rather than strictly mathematical understanding of concepts. The Fifth Edition includes a new chapter that lays out the key concepts that distinguish indices from scales.

    Science of Evaluation: A Realist Manifesto

    £45.90 £51.00
    Always engaging and relentlessly pushing the boundaries, this is a must-read from a pioneer in realist research.

    See Numbers in Data: Little Quick Fix

    £8.99 £9.99
    Being able to read and interpret tables and graphs is a skill that is frequently tested and where students often lose marks in tests. This Little Quick Fix prepares students to read, interpret and produce tables and graphs with confidence and succeed in their exams.

    Select a Sample: Little Quick Fix

    £8.99 £9.99
    Takes the panic out of sampling designs and helps students understand what sampling is, how it applies to different types of situations, and how to decide what approach works best for their project so they can maximize the impact of their research.

    Seven Steps to a Comprehensive Literature Review: A Multimodal and Cultural Approach

    £35.99 £39.99
    With a key focus on mixed methods, coverage of the 'why' as well as the 'how', and clear explanation of the CORE system, this book will be instrumental in helping readers to produce organized, ethical, insightful and, of course, comprehensive literature reviews

    Small-Scale Evaluation: Principles and Practice 2ed

    £40.49 £44.99

    Sneaky Kid and its Aftermath: Ethics and Intimacy in Fieldwork

    £37.80 £42.00
    Tells the full story of the author's intimate and tumultuous relationship with the young man who was the subject of his long-term study on how the educational system can fail students. This work offers a suitable starting point for discussing the complex public and personal dimensions of qualitative research with students.

    Social Research Methodology: A Critical Introduction 2ed

    £38.69 £42.99
    Today's students of social science must understand a variety of research methods. This new edition fully explores the logic of research, whilst aiding a critical understanding of practical, evidence based work. With new chapters, an original framework and updated examples, this book continues to be a primary resource for undergraduates.

    Spatial Statistical Methods for Geography

    £40.49 £44.99
    This accessible new textbook offers a straightforward introduction to doing spatial statistics in the context of unique considerations that apply with geographic data. Grounded in real world examples, it shows you how to extend traditional statistical methods for use with spatial data.

    Statistical Significance: Little Quick Fix

    £8.99 £9.99
    Do your results mean something - or not? How can you measure it? Breaking it down into three building blocks, this Little Quick Fix shows students how to master hypothesis testing, normal distribution and p values.

    Statistics for Real-Life Sample Surveys: Non-Simple-Random Samples and Weighted Data

    £42.29 £46.99
    Samples used in social and commercial surveys are usually less random than many people using them realise, or have been taught to analyse. This book, for practising researchers, introduces the challenges posed by less-than-perfect samples, giving background knowledge, practical guidance and, above all, realistic and implementable solutions.

    Statistics with R: A Beginner's Guide

    £39.59 £43.99
    With a clear step-by-step approach explained using real world examples, this book provides the practical skills you need to use statistical methods in your research from an expert with over 30 years of teaching experience.

    Stories of Dignity Within Healthcare: Research, Narratives and Theories

    £31.50 £35.00

    Student's Guide to Methodology 3ed

    £38.69 £42.99
    The accessible introduction to 'methodology' rather than 'methods' opens students up to critical questions about methodological concepts and frameworks in a way that will appeal to lecturers teaching research in education and wider social sciences.

    Student's Guide to Research Ethics 2ed

    £22.49 £24.99
    This reader-friendly book examines the ethical issues and questions that occur in university and professional research and will help both beginning and experienced researchers to identify ethical issues when they are conducting research.


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