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    Healing Fiction: On Freud, Jung, Adler

    £15.29 £16.99

    Health Psychology (Undergraduate Revision Guide)

    £12.59 £13.99

    Health Psychology 7ed

    £35.99 £39.99

    Henri Tajfel: Explorer of Identity and Difference

    £39.59 £43.99
    This book offers a biographical account of Henri Tajfel, one of the most influential European social psychologists of the twentieth century. Painting a unique picture detailing Tajfel's life, this is fascinating reading for anyone interested in social psychology and the life and lasting contribution of this scholar.

    Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology

    £36.89 £40.99
    The 2nd edition of Historical and Conceptual issues in Psychology offers a lively and engaging introduction to the main issues underlying the emergence and continuing evolution of psychology.

    History Of Intelligence and "Intellectual Disability" Shaping of Psych

    £130.50 £145.00
    Starting with the controversial hypothesis that not only human intelligence but also its antithesis 'intellectual disability' are nothing more than historical contingencies, this title traces the interplay between human types and the characteristics attributed to them.

    History of Sexuality: 1: The Will to Knowledge

    £9.89 £10.99

    History of Sexuality: 2: The Use of Pleasure

    £11.69 £12.99

    History of Sexuality: 3: The Care of the Self

    £11.69 £12.99

    Home Is Where We Start From

    £9.09 £12.99
    Brings together some of the author's works contributing to our understanding of the minds of children. This title includes essays that range in topic from 'The Concept of a Healthy Individual' and 'The Value of Depression' to 'Delinquancy as a sign of Hope'.

    Hope Without Optimism

    £10.79 £11.99

    House And Psychology

    £11.69 £12.99

    How Psychology Works

    £17.09 £18.99

    How The Mind Works

    £15.29 £16.99
    Why do we laugh? What makes memories fade? Why do people believe in ghosts? How the Mind Works explores every aspect of mental life, showing that our minds are not a mystery, but a system of organs of computation designed by natural selection.

    How to Argue with a Cat: A Human's Guide to the Art of Persuasion

    £8.99 £9.99

    How to be Free

    £9.89 £10.99
    Looking to history, literature and philosophy for inspiration, this book provides a joyful blueprint for a simpler and freer way of life. Filled with practical tips as well as inspiring reflections, it helps you learn how to throw off the shackles of anxiety, bureaucracy, debt, governments, housework, supermarkets, waste and much else besides.

    How to be Idle

    £9.89 £10.99
    As Oscar Wilde said, doing nothing is hard work. The Protestant work ethic has most of us in its thrall, and the idlers of this world have the odds stacked against them. This book presents us with a laid-back argument for a contract between routine and chaos, an argument for experiencing life to the full and living in the moment.

    How to be Multiple: The Philosophy of Twins

    £18.00 £20.00
    This illuminating, entertaining book offers philosophical and personal reflections on twinhood and how it can help us imagine the possibility of a more interconnected human future. -- .

    How to be Normal

    £8.99 £9.99
    From the bestselling author of Never Hit a Jellyfish With a Spade and Never Push When You Can Pull comes a new volume of answers to life's most troublesome questions.

    How to Change Your Mind: The New Science of Psychedelics

    £11.69 £12.99

    How to have a beautiful mind

    £13.49 £14.99
    No matter how you look, if you have a mind that's fascinating, creative, exciting - if you're a good thinker - you can be beautiful. This book shows how, by applying lateral and parallel thinking skills, you can improve your mind. By learning how to listen, make a point, and manoeuvre a discussion, you can become more appealing and more beautiful.

    How to Listen

    £5.40 £6.00

    How To Think Straight About Psychology 9ed

    £54.89 £60.99


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