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    Political Geography

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    Comparative Area Studies: Methodological Rationales and Cross-Regional Applications

    £30.14 £33.49
    In Comparative Area Studies, the editors and contributors are motivated by two basic convictions: first, that intensive regional research remains indispensable to the social sciences; and second, that this research risks becoming marginalized in the absence of concerted efforts to link it to disciplinary concepts and theories that have relevance beyond a single region.

    Economic Geographies Of Globalisation

    £18.90 £30.95
    This well-researched book provides a concise contribution to a large-scale debate on economic globalisation.

    From Global to Local: The Making of Things and the End of Globalisation

    £13.49 £14.99
    Globalisation was once the vision of the future; not any more. How we make things is changing, and with it the world order.

    Geography of the European Union

    £38.49 £58.99
    Provides a comprehensive introduction to the European Union, its identity, problems and prospects. Focusing on the key issues of integration and enlargement, the text examines the major economic, social, environmental and political aspects of the EU.

    Geopolitics: An Introductory Reader

    £44.99 £49.99

    Global Geopolitics: A Critical Introduction

    £53.09 £58.99
    Employing thematic investigation and illustrated through case studies, Dodds explores how global politics is imagined and practised by countries such as the US and other organisations including Greenpeace, the IMF and CNN International.

    Human Planet: How We Created the Anthropocene

    £11.69 £12.99

    New Europe: Imagined Spaces

    £34.19 £37.99
    Traces the radical transformation of European places and spaces. This book aims to reveal the differing imaginations of European identity. Taking as its central problem the fluid nature of cultural and political identity, it calls into question the perspective of the nation-state as the primary source of imagined identity for Europeans.

    Political Geography

    £34.19 £37.99
    A stimulating and concise introduction to the key themes of the subdiscipline, which moves beyond the study of the state to encompass the spatial consequences of power at all levels.

    Postcolocnial Geographies

    £26.59 £41.99
    Presents a sustained geographical analysis of postcolonialism with essays ranging across Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa and North America.

    Power of Geography: Ten Maps That Reveal the Future of Our World

    £8.99 £9.99

    Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Tell You Everything You Need to Know About Global Politics

    £8.99 £9.99
    A popular take on world events that puts the 'geo' back into geopolitics

    Routledge Handbook of Mapping and Cartography

    £225.00 £250.00
    The Routledge Handbook of Mapping and Cartography provides a ground-breaking and comprehensive reference point for research and practice situated within an international and multi-disciplinary context.

    Strange Maps

    £24.29 £26.99
    Spanning many centuries, all continents, and the realms of outer space and the imagination, this collection of 138 unique graphics combines beautiful full-color illustrations with quirky statistics and smart social commentary. The result is a distinctive illustrated guide to the world.

    What Is Populism?

    £9.89 £10.99

    Political Geography

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