A guide to the world and work of the Prison Officer, showing the centrality of staff-prisoner relationships to different operations carried out by officers. It is suitable for those with an interest in the work of a prison officer and established and aspiring officers.
The cult guide to UK prisons by Carl Cattermole - now fully updated and featuring contributions from female and LGBTQI prisoners, as well as from family on the outside.
Provides a review and analysis of resettlement policy and practice in England and Wales in the early part of the 21st Century. This book aims to: outline developments in resettlement policy and practice; and describe particular projects, draw conclusions about their effectiveness and discuss advantages and challenges associated.
This book makes an important contribution to the literature on problem-oriented policing, a discipline of increasing importance in crime reduction policy and practice.
Includes over 1,500 questions and answers for police officers taking the Part 1 promotion examination. This guide includes information relating to changes in examination procedure and the law.
Applied psychology has become important in police training and the academic study of policing. This book shows how psychological practices are applied to policing, reflecting the attention being given to this area in the light of concerns about training and its effectiveness.
In sheer numbers, no form of government control comes close to the police stop. Police stops are among the most frequently criticized incidences of racial profiling, and studies have shown that minorities are pulled over at higher rates. This book deftly traces the strange history of the investigatory police stop.
In a brilliant synthesis of the work of Foucault, Durkheim, Weber, Kircheimer, and Marx, this book develops a completely new, comprehensive, and highly stimulating theory of punishment.
Concerned with crimes against worker health and safety, this book offers an account and analysis of this field. It uses case studies to illustrate key points and themes, including the high profile instances of safety crimes, as well as the larger number of 'routine' deaths, injuries, ill-health, prosecutions, and enforcement relationships.
This is a richly detailed account of the way the sex industry works, and one of the few empirical studies that investigates the off street industry in Britain.
Demonstrates that child sex offending is strongly influenced by opportunities to offend, and that analyzing the environmental contexts of offending may offer new insights into preventing the behavior. This book covers topics such as: situational factors in child molesting; social interactions among pedophiles; and others.
A voice at the centre of the Spy Cops scandal. The great love story of Donna McLean's life wasn't just built on lies, it was one. With an inquiry underway, Small Town Girl is a reclamation of a truth that was ruthlessly buried.
The concept of a social capitala is currently the focus of an explosion of interest in the research and policy community. It refers to the social networks, informal structures and norms that facilitate individual and collective action.
Essential reading for all those undertaking a policing or other law enforcement professional degree within higher education, providing study support, skills and strategies to ensure success.
Crucially, Tango Juliet Foxtrot asks if policing in Britain has gone beyond the point of no return and proposes the changes that need to be made to turn things around.
No one denies the impact of terrorism in the contemporary world, but when it comes to understanding the nature of terrorism and its ethical implications there is little agreement.