Examines seventeen groundbreaking equations that have altered the course of human history. This book explores how Pythagoras' Theorem led to GPS and SatNav; how logarithms are applied in architecture; why imaginary numbers were important in the development of the digital camera, and what is really going on with Schrodinger's cat.
This book is intended as a guide to the analysis and presentation of experimental results. After presenting basic theoretical concepts, the book describes the methods by which the results can be presented, both numerically and graphically.
Antimatter is one of the most fascinating aspects of Particle Physics, and matter-antimatter annihilation the most energetic process in the universe. We live surrounded by antimatter, since showers of matter and antimatter particles fall incessantly on the Earth's surface, some of them penetrating our buildings.
An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth is an inspirational memoir of space exploration and hard-won wisdom, from an astronaut who has spent a lifetime making the impossible a reality
Readers will discover the benefits of numerical methods for solving complex mathematical problems and for the direct simulation of physical processes. The book is divided into two main parts: Deterministic methods and stochastic methods in computational physics.
Based on course material used by the author at Yale University, this practical text addresses the widening gap found between the mathematics required for upper-level courses in the physical sciences and the knowledge of incoming students.
This book offers a general description of the laser, theoretical and operational details of gas, solid state, free-electron and semiconductor lasers. Includes a uniform treatment of gas and solid-state lasers on one hand, and semiconductor lasers on the other.
Presents many years of research by hundreds of scientists that reveals how wild animals, as well as pets, have inner, secret lives. This title shows how animal 'friends' stay in touch, how they warn and help each other in times of danger, and how some animals problem-solve as or in some instances even more effectively than humans.
This undergraduate textbook discusses the nature of the microscopic universe from a modern perspective, based on Einstein's notions of relativity and Noether's proof of the emergence of conservation laws from symmetries of the equations of motion.
Easy, enlightening and mind-stretching, here are answers to the 20 biggest questions of quantum physics, relativity and our attempts to grasp the true nature of reality.
In 2016 Professor Stephen Hawking delivered the BBC Reith Lectures on a subject that has fascinated him for decades - black holes. In these flagship lectures the legendary physicist argues that if we could only understand black holes and how they challenge the very nature of space and time, we could unlock the secrets of the universe.
Was there a beginning of time? Could time run backwards? Is the universe infinite or does it have boundaries? This book examines these questions. It begins by reviewing the great theories of the cosmos from Newton to Einstein, before delving into the secrets which still lie at the heart of space and time, from the Big Bang to black holes.
Fully revised and updated content matching the new Cambridge International Examinations Biology 9700 syllabus for first teaching in 2014 and first examination in 2016.
Unless we are brilliant at science in our teenage years, many of us put off 'childish things' - science museums, palaeontology - in favour of museums, art galleries and concert halls. The author argues that a cultured person should know about the classic ideas of physics and biology as well as the classic works of Beethoven and Picasso.
Nobel laureate Erwin Schroedinger's What is Life? is one of the great science classics of the twentieth century. The philosopher Karl Popper hailed it as a 'beautiful and important book' by 'a great man to whom I owe a personal debt for many exciting discussions'.
Explore 60 of the world's most extraordinary and mysterious archaeological structures and locations to uncover fascinating insights into mankind's early understanding of the cosmos
This textbook teaches classical mechanics as one of the foundations of physics. Among others this includes statistical mechanics (separate chapter), quantum mechanics, space flight, galactic dynamics, friction, and vibration spectroscopy.
This work aims to build and transmit the concepts of physics and the analytical skills to apply them, and build an appreciation for the underlying simplicity and unity in nature.