Nurses are increasingly accountable for their own practice and require a thorough understanding of their core responsibilities and of the legal and ethical issues which underpin everyday practice in the NHS today.
Addresses issues and key concerns in accountability, focusing on accountability in the four main branches of nursing (adult, child, learning disabilities and mental health), as well as in midwifery, community nursing, and nursing management.
The question of whether euthanasia and assisted suicide should be legalized is often treated as a universal, ethical question, transcending national boundaries and diverse legal systems. This book examines the impact of the choice of diverse legal routes towards legalization on the subsequent assisted dying regimes in operation.
Locating assisted suicide within the broader medical end-of-life context and drawing on the empirical data available from the increasing number of permissive jurisdictions, this book provides a novel examination of the human rights implications of the prohibition on assisted suicide in England and Wales and beyond.
Celebrating over 30 years as the market-leading series, Blackstone's Statutes have an unrivalled tradition of trust and quality. With a rock-solid reputation for accuracy, reliability, and authority, they remain first-choice for students and lecturers, providing a careful selection of all the up-to-date legislation needed for exams and course use.
Offers guidance on the ethical and legal issues that arise in the health care of patients under 18 years of age. This book reflects the questions most commonly raised by health professionals, including questions about consent, refusal of treatment and confidentiality.
Course Notes supports revision of the essential modules of undergraduate and conversion GDL/CPE law degree courses by demonstrating good practice in creating and maintaining the ideal revision notes and actively encouraging you to acquire the analytical skills you will need for exam success.
This second edition of Effective Investigation of Child Homicide and Suspicious Deaths offers a sensitive, balanced, and informed practical approach to managing the investigation of child death.
Everyday clinical practice is steeped in ethical considerations, but discussion of ethics is often removed from these real-life situations. This book works in the gap between theory and practice.
Combining ethical issues with case studies to show how theory is applied in clinical practice, this book reflects contemporary health care practice, emphasising inter-professional care and cultural sensitivity to clients or patients. It also contains case studies which make ethical issues applied and relevant to your clinical practice.
Ethical, legal and professional issues are at the heart of health care, but it can be tricky to balance and apply these three strands in practice. Taking a practice-based approach, this book explores the daily dilemmas faced by modern health care practitioners, using engaging clinical scenarios drawn from across the fields of health care.
Ethics: The Heart of Healthcare, Third Edition provides clarification and extension of the argument that ethics is everywhere in health care, and that therefore codes and principles are just not enough to help us practice in the best ways.
This textbook looks at how different world faiths approach ethics in health and social care, and how their faith informs their practice. Equipping practitioners with the information they need, it will help them to be more reflective regarding spirituality, ethics and their provision of care.
This textbook is an ambitious and engaging introduction to the more advanced writings on medical law and ethics, primarily designed to allow students to `get under the skin' of the topic and begin to build their critical thinking and analysis skills.
Koehn seeks to rethink the professional-client relationship, arguing that a professional's moral responsibility is limited by his or her promise to promote a specific client good.
This interdisciplinary analysis will appeal to those in the fields of law, health and medicine, bioethics, regulation and political science, as well as those working in parliaments and government bodies with responsibility for reform, non-government organisations, advocacy groups and civil society groups engaged in reform debates.
This book presents a set of related studies aimed at showing key points of intersection and common interest between jurisprudence and socio-legal studies, which are otherwise typically considered distinct fields.