Joining a long line of speculative writing that helps us to understand worlds not yet existing An Oral History of the New York Commune will appeal to readers of Octavia Butler, Ursula LeGuin, Kim Stanley Robinson, Ian M. Banks, Samuel Delaney, and China Mieville among others.
A historical biography of the Italian philosopher/politician Antonio Gramsci (1891-1973), considered one of the most important Marxist philosophers of the twentieth-century.
Anthony Crosland's The Future of Socialism (1956) provided a creed for governments of the centre left. Now Peter Hain revisits this classic text and presents a stimulating political prospectus for today. It should be read by everyone interested in the future of the left.
In 1789 the West Indian colony of San Domingo supplied two-thirds of the overseas trade of France. The entire structure of what was arguably the most profitable colony in the world rested on the labour of half a million slaves.
In this text the author demonstrates that the efforts to understand black people's history of resistance solely through the prism of Marxist theory are incomplete and inaccurate, because it presupposes European models of history. Black radicalism, he argues, must be linked to the African traditions
Presents a critique of private property and the social relations it generates. This book argues that capitalism would create an ever-increasing division in wealth and welfare, predicting its abolition and replacement by a system with common ownership of the means of production.
Noam Chomsky is one of the influential thinkers of the twentieth-century. His work in linguistics, philosophy and political theory has spanned six decades, and has been met with critical acclaim and controversy in equal measure. This book is not only an introduction to Chomsky's theoretical writings, but also a critical engagement with his work.
The collapse of communism was one of the most defining moments of the twentieth century. This Very Short Introduction examines the history behind the political, economic, and social structures of communism as an ideology.
WITH A NEW INTRODUCTION BY YANIS VAROUFAKIS The Communist Manifesto was first published in London in 1848, by two young men in their late twenties. Maintaining that the history of all societies is a history of class struggle, the manifesto proclaims that communism is the only route to equality, and is a call to action aimed at the proletariat.