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    Leadership & Professional Development

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    100 Activities for Teaching Research Methods

    £47.70 £53.00
    Ideal for those new to teaching Research Methods, as well as more experienced instructors looking for new ways to engage their students, this applied resource places 100 activities - each accompanied by tutor notes and students handouts (also downloadable) - right at the instructor's fingertips

    100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Raising Boys' Achievement

    £13.50 £15.00

    21st Century Boys: How Modern Life is Driving Them Off the Rails and How We Can Get Them Back on Track

    £8.99 £9.99
    A major new insight into the difficulties of raising boys, and how parents can help their sons fulfil their potential. From the author of TOXIC CHILDHOOD.

    99 Classroom Calamities ... and How to Avoid Them

    £14.39 £15.99
    How would you cope with a wasp in the classroom, organising a field trip or difficult relationships with colleagues? This book looks at what it can be like to be a teacher as a person, not just another cog in the education machine. It looks to the personal side, and asks real teachers how they feel about their profession.

    A Head Full of Ethos: A holistic guide to developing and sustaining a positive school culture

    £17.09 £18.99
    A head teacher's insightful and engaging account of how to go about developing a shared vision and threading it through the school's strategic direction and day-to-day operations.

    A Tribute to Caroline Benn: Education and Democracy

    £26.09 £28.99

    Ability, Inequality and Post-Pandemic Schools: Rethinking Contemporary Myths of Meritocracy

    £17.99 £19.99
    Alice Bradbury discusses how the meritocracy myth reinforces educational inequalities and analyses how the recent educational developments of datafication and neuroscience might challenge how we classify and label children as we rebuild a post-pandemic schooling system.

    Ability-Grouping in Primary Schools: Case Studies and Critical Debates

    £21.59 £23.99
    This book links theory, policy and practice in a critical examination of ability-grouping practices and their implications in primary schools, with particular reference to primary mathematics.

    Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education

    £19.76 £21.95
    Brings together disability studies and institutional critique to recognise the ways that disability is composed in and by higher education, and rewrites the spaces, times, and economies of disability in higher education to place disability front and centre. For too long disability has been constructed as the antithesis of higher education, often positioned as a distraction, a problem to be solved.

    Achieving Your Assessment and Quality Assurance Units (TAQA) 2ed

    £21.59 £23.99
    The comprehensive complete guide to the TAQA Award covering all units, written accessibly to support learners from all contexts with differing experience of training and assessments settings.

    Achieving Your Masters in Teaching and Learning

    £18.89 £35.99
    A core text to support all those embarking on the new Masters in Teaching and Learning (MTL).

    Action Learning Handbook

    £34.29 £52.99
    This title is a manual for those new to the techniques of action learning (learning by doing), whether working in organizations, business or education.

    Active Citizenship & The Governing of Schools

    £19.59 £27.99
    Should school governors be seen as active citizens or state volunteers? Can educational reforms and changes in the status of school governing bodies be seen as part of a wider political process? This book draws on research evidence and theories from sociology, political science, gender studies and organizational analysis to answer these questions.

    Activity assemblies to promote peace

    £25.89 £26.99
    A resource to dip into for one-off assemblies or follow as a programme of themed assemblies for a term. This book contains topic areas on peace which include: Cooperation; Children's writing; Places and challenges; Assembly plays; and, Environment Stories.

    Actor-Network Theory in Education

    £33.29 £36.99
    Actor-network theory (ANT) has enjoyed wide uptake in the social sciences, particularly in science and technology studies, and is increasingly attracting the attention of educational researchers. This title traces how learning and practice emerge, shows what scales are at play, and demonstrates what this means for educational possibilities.

    Adult Learning & La Recherche Feminine

    £40.49 £44.99
    Using Helene Cixous' notion of 'l'ecriture feminine' as an analogy for transformational learning and an investigative tool, Hoult explores why some adult learners are able to survive and thrive in the education system, despite facing significantly more challenges than the average student.

    After Childhood: Re-thinking Environment, Materiality and Media in Children's Lives

    £35.99 £39.99
    This book offers a new approach for theorising and undertaking childhood research. It combines insights from childhood and generational studies with object-oriented ontologies, new materialisms, critical race and gender theories to address a range of key, intractable challenges facing children and young people.

    After The Adults Change: Achievable behaviour nirvana

    £16.19 £17.99
    In this follow-up to his bestselling book When the Adults Change, Everything Changes, Paul Dix explains how teachers and school leaders can move beyond the behaviour management revolution and maintain a school culture rooted in relational practice.

    Against the flow

    £42.29 £46.99
    This book calls for education to become an end in itself, as opposed to the means to an end, and for a place to be found in contemporary education for the spiritual, the aesthetic and the ethical.

    Aiming High: Raising Attainment of Pupils from Culturally-Diverse Backgrounds

    £23.09 £42.99
    Based on the authors' research and practical experience, this book contains proven strategies for raising the academic attainment of every learner, especially students from culturally diverse backgrounds.

    Aims-based Curriculum: The Significance of Human Flourishing for Schools

    £10.49 £14.99

    America's Failing Schools: How Parents and Teachers Can Cope With No Child Left Behind

    £13.29 £19.99
    New education laws call for new testing, accountablity and reports cards at the state, district and school levels. Despite the enormous reach of these new developments, few people actually understand them. This book makes these laws and their implications clear.

    An Ambitious Primary School Curriculum

    £20.69 £22.99
    Comprehensive guidance to support those involved in primary education in developing the curriculum to meet the requirements of the new Ofsted (2019) framework.

    Leadership & Professional Development

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