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    Imogen Corrigan

    The Green Man in English Churches


    Saturday 27 April 2024 | 11:30-12:30 | Augustine House | AH3.31



    Imogen Corrigan

    Imogen Corrigan lectures for Martin Randall Travel, ACE Cultural Tours and other specialist travel companies leading tours in Britain, Europe and the Far East. She is a NADFAS lecturer as well as being a highly regarded speaker for the U3A, Kent Federation of History, and East Kent National Trust amongst other organisations. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a member of the British Commission for Military History and has been admitted as a Freeman of the London Company of Communicators. Her first book, Stone on Stone: the Men who built the Cathedrals was published in 2019.

    About the event

    More correctly called ‘foliate heads’, there was a proliferation of Green Man images around the year 1400. The lecture discusses how the image may have evolved from pagan and Classical times and what its purpose may have been. Although they may originally have been connected to ancient fertility rites, the majority show either distorted or very mature faces which seems to contradict the notion that they were associated with May Day frolickings. It may be that we can learn more about its meaning if we take into account the historical events of the time and their effect on the nation’s imagination.

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    Stone on Stone: The Men Who Built The Cathedrals

    £22.50 £25.00

    Imogen Corrigan

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