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    English Legal System

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    £11.69 £12.99
    A comprehensive guide from the acclaimed law revision series. English Legal System, 9th edition, is part of the bestselling Law Express revision series. Using expert advice, the text teaches students how to approach the subject and how to review essential cases, statutes, and legal terms, including all the latest developments in the subject.

    A Practical Approach to Alternative Dispute Resolution

    £43.19 £47.99
    A Practical Approach to Alternative Dispute Resolution provides a comprehensive commentary on all of the major areas of ADR. Its practical focus highlights the key processes and procedures for each topic, making this book ideally suited to students and practitioners embarking on ADR for the first time.

    Banking Law and Regulation

    £47.69 £52.99
    A contemporary, accessible, contextual textbook, covering banking law and regulation in the modern, post-2008 environment, this is essential reading for banking law students.

    Cases and Materials on the English Legal System 10ed

    £51.29 £56.99
    Cases and materials relating to the most recent developments in the English legal system.

    Defending The Guilty

    £9.89 £10.99
    Takes us behind the scenes of Britain's criminal justice system. In this title, the author introduces us to its characters and arcane eccentricities, and tells stories of courtroom triumph and defeat. It deals with the question: how do we ensure that the guilty are convicted and the innocent walk free?

    Derham on the Law of Set Off

    £315.00 £350.00
    This is the leading authority on the law of set off and is essential reading for those advising on and researching the subject.

    Discipline of Law

    £39.59 £43.99

    Due Process of Law

    £47.70 £53.00

    Elliott & Quinn's English Legal System 21ed

    £38.69 £42.99

    Elliott & Quinn's English Legal System 22ed

    £38.69 £42.99

    Employability Skills for Law Students

    £22.49 £24.99
    Unsure what skills employers are looking for or how best to develop and demonstrate them? With coverage of the core academic, practical, and transferable skills that can be gained during your studies,Employability Skills for Law Students will help you develop the employability skills you need to pursue your chosen career on graduation.

    Enemies of the People?: How Judges Shape Society

    £13.49 £14.99
    When newspapers reported a court ruling on Brexit, senior judges were condemned as 'enemies of the people'. But they still ruled that an order by the Queen on the advice of her prime minister was just 'a blank piece of paper'. Joshua Rozenberg asks how the judges can maintain public confidence while making hard choices.

    English Legal System

    £49.49 £54.99
    Rev. ed. of: English legal system sourcebook, 2006.

    English Legal System

    £31.49 £34.99
    Course Notes supports revision of the essential modules of undergraduate and conversion GDL/CPE law degree courses by demonstrating good practice in creating and maintaining the ideal revision notes and actively encouraging you to acquire the analytical skills you will need for exam success.

    English Legal System 3ed

    £9.89 £10.99
    Helps you to get to the heart of the English legal system, ensuring you get the most out of your study time when it really matters. This book is designed to help you understand what is important about the English legal system and enable you to remember the important cases and statutes.

    English Legal System: Concentrate: Law Revision and Study Guide 2ed

    £12.59 £13.99
    English Legal System Concentrate is written and designed to help you succeed. Accurate and reliable, Concentrate guides help consolidate your learning, focus your revision, and maximise your exam performance. Each guide includes revision tips, advice on how to achieve extra marks, and a thorough and focused breakdown of the key topics and cases.

    English Legal System: Key Facts and Key Cases

    £33.29 £36.99

    Environmental Law: Text, Cases & Materials 2ed

    £47.69 £52.99
    Environmental Law: Text, Cases, and Materials offers a comprehensive, critical, and case-focused approach to the subject, combining insightful author commentary with carefully selected extracts to fully support students.

    Essential Dispute Resolution for SQE1

    £28.00 £33.99
    Essential Dispute Resolution for SQE1 explains the key principles of dispute resolution in a clear, easy-to-follow style. Principles are introduced and illustrated with reference to realistic factual examples, commonly used court forms, and factual tables, with an overview of three processes for resolving civil disputes.

    Essential Magistrates' Courts Law

    £17.96 £19.95
    In this concise book, the authors distil their vast knowledge and experience of magistrates' courts for the benefit all those needing a speedy and targeted point of reference on key aspects of the relevant law, whether as newcomers, legal advisers, justices of the peace or criminal practitioners.

    Evidence 11ed

    £43.19 £47.99
    Munday's Evidence provides students with a concise yet analytical introduction to the law of evidence. Vibrant and engaging, this invaluable text is the ideal guide to this challenging subject.

    Fake Law: The Truth About Justice in an Age of Lies

    £9.89 £10.99
    The Secret Barrister returns to debunk the biggest legal lies of our time. Taking you from your own home to the halls of Westminster, this is the truth about justice in an age of fake law.

    Getting To Yes: Negotiating An Agreement Without Giving In

    £9.89 £10.99
    A guide to negotiation. Including principles such as: Don't bargain over positions; Separate the people from the problem; and, Insist on objective criteria, it simplifies the whole negotiation process, offering an effective framework that ensures success.

    Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases

    £19.34 £21.49
    The Guidelines are designed to provide a clear and logical framework for the assessment of damages in personal injury cases. This new edition includes a new note on inflationary increases to figures in the previous edition.

    English Legal System

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