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    Eco-Tourism and Heritage

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    Adventure Tourism Management

    £27.99 £45.99
    The academic study of the Adventure Tourism is rapidly increasing in popularity, with research beginning to focus on it heavily. This book offers a comprehensive look at this multi-million dollar industry sector from a variety of perspectives relevant to the teaching of tourism.

    Canterbury Cathedral

    £12.60 £14.00

    Canterbury Through Time

    £14.39 £15.99
    This fascinating selection of photographs traces some of the many ways in which Canterbury has changed and developed over the last century

    Development of Sustainable Tourism

    £20.29 £28.99
    Based on years of research funded by the Swedish government, this is an examination of Scandinavian projects in sustainable tourism. It discusses their implications for tourism around the world, and includes several extended case studies.

    Dynamic Tourism

    £17.46 £24.95
    This book portrays a fresh approach to tourism. It argues for increased and radical change by the tourism industry and claims that this change is made necessary by the emergent sophistication and increased experience of tourists who require a different style of treatment and type of product.

    Economics Of Recreation, Leisure An

    £27.99 £39.99
    Describes the relevance of economics to the tourism and leisure industries, helping you to pass an economics module as part of a tourism, recreation or sport management degree. This title applies economic theory to a range of tourism industry issues at the consumer, business, national and international level.


    £81.00 £90.00
    Ecotourism, second edition has been thoroughly revised to reflect contemporary developments in ecotourism. Building on the strengths of the first edition, the text discusses the significance of ecotourism in the domestic and international tourism sector. Ecotourism origins, markets, venues and impacts form the basis of the first part of the book.


    £28.69 £40.99
    Analyses the impacts of mainstream tourism in first, second and third world countries, and argues the benefits of adopting the philosophical approaches of ecotourism to create a more sustainable tourism industry in every country around the world.

    Environmental management for rural tourism and recreation (O/P)

    £24.50 £35.00
    A discussion of the pressures of tourism on rural destinations. It brings together current thinking and synthesizes it with case studies of rural destinations - especially woodland and forest - from the UK, Portugal and England. The book is linked to the EU's good management award scheme.

    Health and Wellness Tourism

    £34.29 £48.99
    Looks at the health and wellness tourism, a rapidly growing sector of the thriving tourism industry. This book examines the range of motivations that drive this diverse sector of tourists, the products that are being developed to meet their needs and the management implications of these developments.

    Heritage Tourism

    £65.69 £72.99
    A comprehensive review of the main issues and concepts related to heritage tourism. Illustrated throughout the text via examples and boxed case studies, this book is a resource for educators, students and practitioners in the field of heritage tourism.

    Introduction to Sustainable Tourism

    £34.19 £37.99
    A comprehensive and realistic look at integrating sustainability into tourism.It adopts a systems-perspective and combines theoretical and applied knowledge with a scaffolded learning approach to take a comprehensive look at practical management tools, certifications and innovation to implementing sustainable tourism.

    Kent & East Sussex Cycle tours

    £11.69 £12.99
    Contains 20 routes of Kent and East Sussex. This book features 15 lane rides of between 26 and 36 miles taking you along low-traffic or traffic free roads, tracks and paths, and showing the towns and villages of Kent's Garden of England, the Sussex Weald and Romney Marsh with suggested short cuts for shorter rides.

    Managing Environments for Leisure and Recreation

    £30.09 £47.99
    This book seeks to bring together the different strands of thought that inform the management of settings, for leisure and recreation. It is highly illustrated with over 50 line drawings and includes many case studies from around the world.

    Olympic Visions: Images of the Games Through History

    £15.40 £22.00
    In Olympic Visions Mike O'Mahony explores how painters, sculptors, photographers, filmmakers, architects and designers have portrayed the Olympic Games through history. Featuring a combination of beautiful illustrations and detailed insights, the book shows how images have shaped the way the Olympics are perceived.

    Preserve or destroy

    £6.26 £6.95

    Safety, Risk and Adventure in Outdoor Activities

    £24.49 £44.99
    Drawing on the author's own experience as an expert mountaineer, instructor and consultant, this practical guide shows how adventurous outdoor activities can be provided to acceptable standards of safety.

    Shadow of the Silk Road

    £11.69 £12.99
    Traces the drifts of the trade route out of the heart of China into the mountains of Central Asia, across northern Afghanistan and the plains of Iran into Kurdish Turkey. This book recounts the adventures of the author when travelling through the Silk Route.

    South: The Endurance Expedition

    £8.99 £9.99

    Sports Tourism

    £31.49 £49.99
    Explains sports tourism as a social, economic and cultural phenomenon that stems from the unique interaction of activity, people and place. This title establishes sports tourism as a unique area that produces its own unique issues, concerns and controversies.

    Sustainable Tourism Management

    £26.67 £40.80
    This is a text on sustainable tourism which provides an up-to-date, comprehensive coverage of the practice and management of the subject. It offers a range of definitions of sustainable tourism from different sectors of tourism and different areas of the world, with examples of management practice.

    Tourism and Local Economic Development

    £33.29 £36.99
    Critically addresses the theories which seek to explain the contribution which tourism can make to economic development, and then moves on to look at a wide range of initiatives and approaches to identify how the local economic benefits of tourism can be maximised.

    Tourism in South and South East Asia

    £64.79 £71.99
    Provides a comprehensive introduction to tourism in South and South East Asia with a specific appeal both to institutions in the region, and other institutions who wish to expose students to one of the most dynamic tourism regions in the world. This book deals comprehensively with the implications of the Asian economic crisis for tourism.

    Treat Your Own Neck

    £10.31 £11.45

    Eco-Tourism and Heritage

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