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    Cressida Williams

    Canterbury Cathedral Archive & Library Treasures

    image for Canterbury Cathedral Archive & Library Treasures

    Cressida Williams

    Cressida Williams leads the staff team of the Cathedral Archives and Library, which cares for the manuscript and book collection of the Cathedral and other local organisations. Having qualified as an archivist in 1997, she is particularly interested in medieval charters and seals, as well as architectural records.

    About the event

    This visit to the Cathedral Archives and Library will focus on the early printed books, manuscripts and other sources in the collections. On display will be examples from the archive of the cathedral, which dates from the 9th century onwards and which is included on the UNESCO UK Memory of the World Register. There will also be documents from the archive of the City of Canterbury, including charters and financial records.

    Tickets: Canterbury Cathedral Archive & Library Treasures

    Cressida Williams

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