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    1 and 2 Thessalonians

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    1517: Martin Luther and the Invention of the Reformation

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    Did Martin Luther really post his 95 Theses to the Wittenberg Castle Church door in October 1517? Probably not, says Reformation historian Peter Marshall. But though the event might be mythic, it became one of the great defining episodes in Western history, a symbol of religious freedom of conscience which still shapes our world 500 years later.

    20th Century Theology: God and the World in a Transitional Age

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    50 Greatest Churches and Cathedrals

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    An inspiring tour of the highlights of the most-loved churches, abbeys and cathedrals of the United Kingdom.

    A Black Theology of Liberation: 50th Anniversary Edition

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    A Companion in Crisis: A Modern Paraphrase of John Donne's Devotions

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    Philip Yancey's A Companion in Crisis combines John Donne's timeless reflections with present-day commentary, offering universal truths on how to live and die well.

    A People's Church: A History of the Church of England

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    A richly detailed history of the Church of England from a top academic and historian who is also a priest.

    A People's Reformation: Building the English Church in the Elizabethan Parish

    £27.90 £31.00
    A People's Reformation offers a reinterpretation of the English Reformation and the roots of the Church of England. Drawing on archival research, Lucy Kaufman argues that England became a Protestant nation not in spite of its people, but because of them - through their active social, political, and religious participation.

    Accidental Saints: Finding God in All the Wrong People

    £11.69 £12.99
    What if the annoying person you try to avoid is actually an accidental saint in your life? Tattooed, angry, and profane, Nadia Bolz-Weber stubbornly, sometimes hilariously, resists the God she feels called to serve. But God keeps showing up in the least likely of people-a church-loving agnostic, a drag queen, and a gun-toting member of the NRA.

    Adorno and Theology

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    An introduction to the core ideas in Theodor Adorno's work and their relevance for theology. >

    Africa Bible Commentary: A One-volume Commentary Written by 70 African Scholars

    £36.00 £40.00
    The Africa Bible Commentary is unique. Written by African theologians and produced in Africa, it is the first one-volume commentary ever created to help pastors, students, and lay leaders in Africa apply God's Word to distinctively African concerns, yet its fresh insights will have a universal appeal.

    After Christendom

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    Aliens & Strangers?: The Struggle for Coherence in the Everyday Lives of Evangelicals

    £88.20 £98.00
    Based on in-depth fieldwork with a conservative evangelical church in London, Aliens and Strangers? explores the everyday realities of what it means to try to hold on to a strong sense of religious identity in a secular, modern urban context.

    Alive in God: A Christian Imagination

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    All of Life

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    All Things Come into Being Through Him: A Christology of Creation

    £27.00 £30.00

    An Awareness of What is Missing

    £13.49 £14.99
    In his recent writings on religion and secularization, Habermas has challenged reason to clarify its relation to religious experience and to engage religions in a constructive dialogue.


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    Angels Fear: Towards an Epistemology of the Sacred

    £26.96 £29.95
    This is a re-issue of Gregory Bateson's and Mary Catherine Bateson's work, which has been out of print for the past 20 years, 2004 is the G. Bateson centennial and this work, in collaboration with his daughter, Mary Catherine Bateson, sets out Bateson's natural history of the relationship between ideas.

    Anglicanism: A Very Short Introduction

    £8.09 £8.99
    What is Anglicanism? How is it different from other forms of Christianity, and how did it come to have so many different versions throughout the world? This title highlights the diversity of Anglicanism by exploring its history, theology, and structure, and examines what is it that holds Anglicanism together despite the crises.

    Anomalous Jew: Paul Among Jews, Greeks, and Romans

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