The eighth edition of this bestselling botany textbook has been updated throughout with the most recent primary literature, eight new ecology-oriented essays, and 175 new illustrations and photographs to keep the presentation as well as the content fresh and engaging. It is an invaluable resource for both students and professionals.
Biology: How Life Works is the only book for the introductory course to develop three pillars of learning-the text, media, and assessment-at the same time to ensure alignment and integration of concepts.
This best-selling textbook, known for its prominent authorship, exposes students to the landmark experiments in genetics, teaching them how to analyze experimental data and draw their own conclusions based on scientific thinking. The 10th edition has been updated with key advances in genetics and cutting-edge experiments.
Based on Bandura's theory that those who believe they can do what they set out to do are healthier, more efficient and more successful than those with low self-efficacy expectations. This theory has stimulated programs of research in education, clinical and developmental psychology, medicine and related fields, athletics and business organization.