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    Catholic Intellectuals and the Challenge of Democracy

    £31.50 £35.00
    Tracing the development of progressive Catholic approaches to political and economic modernization, this volume disputes standard interpretations of the Catholic response to democracy and modernity in the English-speaking world - particularly the conventional view that the Church was the servant of right-wing reactionaries and authoritarian, patriarchal structures.

    Engaging With Nature: Essays on the Natural World in Medieval and Early Modern Europe

    £23.39 £25.99
    A collection of essays which provide insights into such topics as concepts of animal/human relationships; environmental and ecological history; medieval hunting; early modern collections of natural objects; the relationship of religion and nature; and the rise of science.

    The Person and the Common Good

    £19.79 £21.99
    Presenting with moving insight the relations between man, as a person and as an individual, and the society of which he is a part, Maritain's treatment of a lasting topic speaks to this generation as well as those to come.

    What Is Ethically Demanded?: K. E. Logstrup's Philosophy of Moral Life

    £45.00 £50.00
    This collection of essays considers central themes in the ethics of Lutheran theologian and philosopher Knud Ejler Logstrup (1905-1981).

    You Are Gods: On Nature and Supernature

    £17.99 £19.99


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