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    Thomas Cranmer: Churchman and Scholar

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    ISBN: 9780851157405
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    AuthorAYRIS PAUL
    Pub Date15/04/1999
    Publisher: BOYDELL & BREWER LTD
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    Presents Cranmer's career set within the intellectual and theological context of 16c England.

    Fascinating collection of essays - Cranmer's career is set within the context of European politics and religion and his contributions to English liturgy and theology. The scope of the various essays is wide, encompassing his intellectual relations with Erasmus and Luther, his period of ambassadorial service on the Continent, his remarkable command of the English language at one of the most important periods in its development as a vehicle for intellectual and religious debate, and his extensive redrafting of a new code of law in place of the old ecclesiastical canon law. NOTES AND QUERIES Dr PAUL AYRIS is Director of Library Services at University College London; Dr DAVID SELWYN is Reader in Ecclesiastical History, University of Wales, Lampeter.