In the peaceful seaside town of Broadgate, an impossible crime occurs. The operator of the cliff railway locks the empty carriage one evening; when he returns to work, a dead body is locked inside - a man has been stabbed. Jimmy London, a newspaper reporter, is first on the scene and is quick on the trail for clues.
The eponymous nosy parker Miss Ethel Tither, who has made herself deeply unpopular by going out of her way to snoop on people, is found floating in a cesspool, having been bludgeoned prior to drowning in the drainage water. A case of murder and intrigue.
In this illustrated history David Crystal charts the development of the language from the earliest runic inscriptions in Old English, through the emergence of a standard variety of English between 1400 and 1800, to the most modern forms of the language in 'concrete' and 'text' poetry.
A survey of the evolution of scripts and a guide to reading historical documents illustrated from a wide range of manuscripts. Each is accompanied by a commentary identifying the type of script, its historical and regional currency, distinctive features and style and a transcription.
After years of sailing the seas, Joseph Conrad emerged to become one of the world's greatest writers. This biography explores how Conrad's experiences of exile and his choice of career at sea shaped some of the major themes of his writing.
Drawing on the rich historical collections of the British Library - including two original copies of Magna Carta from 1215 - the catalogue brings to life the history and contemporary resonance of this globally important document and features treasured artefacts inspired by the rich legacy of Magna Carta