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    Teaching Speaking and Listening in the Primary School 3ed

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    ISBN: 9781843122555
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    AuthorGrugeon,E. et a
    Pub Date27/01/2005
    Publisher: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD
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    Availability: In stock
    Presenting a practical and balanced introduction to the "teaching" of speaking and listening, this best-selling text will help teachers keep up-to-date with recent government initiatives and how to put these changes into a classroom context through: A concise overview of the DfES/ QCA "Speaking, Listening and Learning" guidelines; A focus.

    Speaking and listening, along with reading and writing, are essential components of literacy and learning development within the National Primary Strategy. This best-selling introductory text updates teachers on national developments and best practice in speaking and listening in the classroom through: * speaking and listening issues: a review * story-telling and drama * oral and popular culture and media * planning for talk across the curriculum * the impact of ICT: software, email, internet, computer games.