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    This Book Thinks You're a Scientist: Imagine * Experiment * Create

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    ISBN: 9780500650813
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    Pub Date18/08/2016
    Publisher: THAMES & HUDSON
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    Availability: Available for despatch from the bookshop in 48 hours
    Explores seven key scientific areas in the Science Museum's new interactive gallery for children: force and motion, electricity and magnetism, earth and space, light, matter, sound and mathematics. In this title, each spread centres on an open-ended question or activity, with space on the page for the child to write, draw or interact.

    This book thinks you're a scientist explores seven key scientific areas in the Science Museum's new interactive gallery for children: force and motion, electricity and magnetism, earth and space, light, matter, sound and mathematics. Each spread centres on an open-ended question or activity, with space on the page for the child to write, draw or interact with the book. Imagine dogs are magnetic! Design how you would make a book fly. Write a new robot language. The book ends with a section for children to record their own guided independent investigations, including surveys and experiment logs.