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    The Perfect Fit

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    ISBN: 9780192774613
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    AuthorJones, Naomi
    Pub Date04/03/2021
    Publisher: O.U.P.
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    Availability: Available for despatch from the bookshop in 48 hours
    Triangle is trying her best to fit in, but she's just not like the circles and the squares. So Triangle sets off to find some friends just like her. But being the same isn't as fun as she thought it would be and with the help of her friends Triangle learns to be happy just as she is.

    No matter how hard she tries, Triangle doesn't roll like the circles, or stack like the she sets off to find friends that look exactly like her. But when she finds the other triangles, playtime isn't as fun. She misses the shapes that roll and stack; she misses being different. So she starts a new quest, one that gets all of the different shapes playing and having fun together!