A fascinating look at the public consequences of the private act of writing, Carl Tighe's book is a must-read for everyone who writes or studies writing.
Writing Cures demonstrates the power of expressive and reflective writing in the context of therapy, whether online or text-based, enabling counsellors and psychotherapists to undertake writing methods with clients.
What did it mean in the first half of the 20th century to say "I am English"? This collection contains extracts, drawn from a wide range of sources of the time including letters, diaries, journalism, fiction, poems, parliamentary speeches and government reports, which all raise this question.
Tells you various things you need to know about writing features. This work helps you learn how to formulate and develop ideas and how to shape them to fit different markets. It takes into account the changing requirements of journalism and media courses. It also helps you discover how to exploit technology for both researching and writing online.
Thoroughly revised and updated, the fourth edition of Writing for Journalists focuses on the craft of journalistic writing, offering invaluable insight on how to hook readers and keep them to the end of your article.