Following on from the successful first edition, Arts Administration has now been updated to include arts policy under the new UK Ministry of Heritage, the workings of the national lottery and the role of ethnic minority, fringe and community
Based on the latest international research, this book considers how and why arts in community health has come about, the characteristics of its practice and the challenges it poses for evaluation.
Written by an experienced and renowned textbook author, this book examines all the major themes, personalities and issues of this important period in a clear and digestible form.
This text examines all the major themes, personalities and issues of this important period in British politics in an accessible form. It introduces fresh angles to long-studied topics, analyzing views of different historians.
This text heads the Open University's flexible PGCE "Aspects of Teaching" series, which provides a practical illustration of skills, knowledge and understanding required to teach in the secondary classroom.
In this accompaniment to the more theoretical Reader, the author investigates practical methods of advancement for the new geography teacher. Key ideas are highlighted throughout this well researched and executed text.
This practical book accompanies the OU's Teaching Modern Foreign Languages in Secondary Schools. Both texts are designed around the Open University's Flexible PGCE course but are of great value to those undertaking similar language PGCEs.