The 1641 Depositions are among the most important documents relating to early modern Irish history. This essay collection is part of a major project run by Trinity College, Dublin, using the depositions to investigate the life and culture of seventeenth-century Ireland.
This volume has been published to coincide with the anniversaries of two significant milestones in Czech and Slovak history - the imposition of communist rule in 1948 and the doomed experiment to reform socialism which has come to be known as the Prague Spring of 1968.
Equips teachers and teaching assistants with a wide range of practical resources to help children who are having difficulties learning the basic skills of spelling.
Drawing on the authors' experience in developing and implementing global mental health programs in crisis and development settings, A Guide to Global Mental Health Practice is designed for mental health professionals new to this emerging area.
What does it mean to be an academic today? What kinds of experiences do students have, and how are they affected by what they learn? Why do so many students and their teachers feel like frauds? Can we learn to teach and research in ways that foster hope and deflate pretension? Academic Life and Labour in the New University.
This resource focuses on access to the science curriculum for pupils with learning difficulties. Within an inclusive framework of participation and achievement for all, it provides support and ideas for the effective planning and implementation of well-differentiated science-focused activities.