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    Research Into Practice 2ed

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    ISBN: 9780702026867
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    AuthorCrookes & Davie
    Pub Date15/09/2004
    Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
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    Prepares you to access, critically evaluate, understand and use research-based literature within the multi-disciplinary context of health services. This book looks at contemporary research and the context in which health care research and development takes place. It also gives critical evaluation of research reports and research-based literature.

    The need for all health care professionals to develop research appreciation skills has been recognized and emphasized. Otherwise, research remains irrelevant and unrelated to practice. Traditional research textbooks have used the format of the research process which makes research seem even more difficult and remote. This book is different. Because the purpose of research appreciation is to enable practitioners to use research to develop and improve practice, it focuses instead on the skills of research appreciation and application which are distinct from the skills necessary to undertake research.It prepares you to access, critically evaluate, understand and use research-based literature within the multi-disciplinary context of today's health services, and emphasises: the range of sources of knowledge, which inform nursing practice; Contemporary research and the context in which health care research and development takes place; Critical evaluation of research reports and research-based literature, examining the implication of project design and conduct; and the range of skills needed for the application of research findings and innovation within practice.