Studies not only Pompeii, but also the buried surrounding cities of Campania. Based on the findings of an archaeological work, it also contains a map of Pompeii.
This book provides readers with an insight into the complexities of parish-worship during the momentous conflicts of the mid-seventeenth century. Using local source material, the study assesses the flexible and varied responses of parishes across Scotland and the degree of local negotiation of official Church policy.
Writing Feature Articles presents clear and engaging advice for students and young professionals on working as a freelance feature writer. This fifth edition not only covers producing content for print, but also for digital platforms and online.
Guides readers through the significant differences between the written and the spoken versions of journalistic English. This title helps broadcast journalists at different stages of their careers to avoid such pitfalls as the use of newspaper-English, common linguistic errors, and Americanised phrases.
Teaches students how to write effectively for online audiences. This book helps students build an understanding of the ways that the Internet has introduced new opportunities for dynamic storytelling as digital media have blurred roles of media producer, consumer, publisher and reader.
Youth on Religion is the result of a unique project investigating what religion means for young people living in three multi-faith locations in Britain.