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    Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses 3ed

    £51.29 £56.99
    Written by one of the world's top game designers, this book describes the deepest and most fundamental principles of game design, demonstrating how tactics used in board, card, and athletic games also work in video games.

    Art of Teaching Secondary English: Innovative and Creative Approaches

    £38.69 £42.99
    The authors of this book reconsider the fundamental philosophy of English teaching, evaluate current practice and offer a practical framework for new approaches to teaching this important subject.

    Art, Artists and Pedagogy: Philosophy and the Arts in Education

    £35.09 £38.99
    Exploring the philosophies of education in the work of Gert Biesta, and Deleuze and Guattari,this book asks what the purpose of the arts is in education in the 21st century. It is intended for educators who teach the arts from early childhood to tertiary level or those studying arts in education from undergraduate to Masters or PhD level.

    Articulate Classroom: Talking and Learning in the Primary School

    £33.29 £36.99
    This is a classic edition of Prue Goodwin's acclaimed collection of articles by leading educationalists on the place of talk in the primary curriculum, which now includes a preface from Lyn Dawes.

    Asia-Pacific Perspectives on Intercultural Psychology

    £34.19 £37.99
    Asia-Pacific Perspectives on Intercultural Psychology brings together leading researchers from 11 countries to showcase the innovative, evolving and diverse approaches that epitomises the development of the psychology of culture across the Asia-Pacific region.

    Assessing Historical Thinking and Understanding: Innovative Designs for New Standards

    £32.39 £35.99
    Assessing Historical Thinking and Understanding advocates for a fundamental change in how educators think about making sense of learners' developing cognition and understanding in history.

    Assessing Mental Capacity: A Handbook to Guide Professionals from Basic to Advanced Practice

    £33.29 £36.99
    Drawing on expertise from neuropsychologists, solicitors, and social workers, Assessing Mental Capacity provides a practical guide for all those required to carry out such assessments, considering the basics of capacity assessments and law, how to make difficult decisions, and how to draw conclusions from capacity assessments.

    Assessment and Learning in the Primary School

    £29.69 £32.99
    Wragg looks at topics including the principles and purposes of assessment, evaluation, the 'whole school' approach, and staff development and appraisal. He provides practical activities, discussion topics, and case examples.


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