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    Action Research and Reflective Practice: Creative and Visual Methods to Facilitate Reflection and Learning

    £32.39 £35.99
    Exploring the tension between the use of evidence-based practice, based upon the 'solidity' of research, and reflection with its subjectivity and personal perception, this book argues that reflection is research.

    Acute and Critical Care in Adult Nursing

    £33.29 £36.99
    Using a body systems approach and fully updated in light of new NEWS and NMC guidelines, as well as including a new chapter on mental health, the second edition of this book provides a comprehensive overview of the essential issues in acute care.

    Adolescent Psyche: Jungian and Winnicottian Perspectives

    £35.09 £38.99
    Drawing on Jung's concept of individuation, Richard Frankel provides an excellent introduction to the theory and practice of adolescent psychology. His advice and guidelines will be welcomed by anyone working with adolescents.

    After Empire: Melancholia or Convivial Culture?

    £35.09 £38.99
    From the writings of Fanon and W.E.B. DuBois to Ali G. and The Office, After Empire explores the plight of beleaguered multi-culture and defends it against the accusation of failure.

    After World Religions: Reconstructing Religious Studies

    £34.19 £37.99

    Against Meritocracy (Open Access): Culture, power and myths of mobility

    £35.99 £39.99
    This timely and unique book uses a multifaceted, transdisciplinary cultural studies approach to analyse how meritocracy works and how it has come to achieve dominance, ultimately arguing against meritocracy and in favour of genuine social equality.

    Alcohol and Drug Misuse: A Guide for Health and Social Care Professionals 2ed

    £38.69 £42.99
    This new edition of an invaluable comprehensive textbook provides an introduction to working with substance misusers. Fully updated, topics include: evidence-based pharmacological interventions; recent global strategies in alcohol and drug; dual diagnosis and women; shisha smoking; and current statistics on prevalence of drug and alcohol misuse.

    An English as an Additional Language (EAL) Programme: Learning Through Images for 7-14-Year-Olds

    £29.69 £32.99
    Now featuring full colour throughout, this new edition of this flexible teaching programme shows teachers how to help new arrivals, assessing their vocabulary and grammar needs and including all the resources and lesson plans necessary.


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