The debut short-story collection from an exciting talent to watch: Dima Alzayat is an award-winning young Syrian-American writer who captures the many ways we can be displaced, and made to feel 'other'.
An international bestseller and true modern classic, American Psycho is a bleak, bitter, black comedy about a world we all recognize but do not wish to confront.
Jamaica Kincaid's engrossing account of a three-week trek through the Himalayas with fellow horticulturalists, intertwining mediations on the stunning landscapes with observations on culture, tourism and family.
This work is a personal testimony from Kay Redfield Jamison: the revelation of her struggle with manic depression since adolescence, and how it has shaped her life. The book follows her through college, a love affair, her battle with the illness, bouts of madness, violence and attempted suicide.
The classic coming-of-age story of a precocious young girl's deteriorating relationship with her mother, as she enters adolescence and leaves her childhood behind on the idyllic island of Antigua.