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    New Bath Guide: Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Annick Cossic

    £74.66 £82.95
    Aims at widening perspective on eighteenth century by examining work of a minor poet and challenges conventional assumptions about scope of minor poetry. In this title, the introduction, notes and appendices throw light on a once famous text and make extensive use of little-known material such as significant parts of the author's correspondence.

    Populist Parties and the Failure of the Political Elites: The Rise of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPOe)

    £47.66 £52.95
    The author analyses why European right-wing populist parties gain support. Based on an analysis of the Austrian Freedom Party under Jorg Haider he argues that the main reason behind their electoral success was not constituted by elitism but by populism and anti-elitism.

    Researching Intertextual Reading

    £63.90 £71.00
    Intertextuality in reading - the way in which written texts refer to other texts - has recently attracted attention in the field of linguistics and related disciplines. This book offers a unique look at the operation of intertextuality in real-world texts and the role of readers' cognitive processes in dealing with intertextuality.


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