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    (En)Countering Native-Speakerism: Global Perspectives

    £32.00 £119.99
    The book addresses the issue of native-speakerism, an ideology based on the assumption that 'native speakers' of English have a special claim to the language itself, through critical qualitative studies of the lived experiences of practising teachers and students in a range of scenarios.

    1968 in Europe

    £80.99 £89.99
    A concise reference for researchers on the protest movements of the 1960s and 1970s, this book covers the history of the various national protest movements, the transnational aspects of these movements, and the common narratives and cultures of memory surrounding them.

    A Concise History of the Modern World: 1500 to the Present

    £18.89 £20.99
    Woodruff examines the implications of the end of the Cold War, the unravelling of communism, and challenge of non-western civilisations to western global superiority, at this transitional stage in world history. Third revised edition.

    A Midsummer Night's Dream

    £8.09 £8.99
    From the Royal Shakespeare Company - a modern, definitive edition of Shakespeare's most loved comedy. This edition also includes an essay on Shakespeare's career and Elizabethan theatre, and enables the reader to understand the play as it was originally intended - as living theatre to be enjoyed and performed.

    Academic Book Of The Future

    £18.00 £20.00
    This book is open access under a CC-BY licence. Part of the AHRC/British Library Academic Book of the Future Project, this book interrogates current and emerging contexts of academic books from the perspectives of thirteen expert voices from the connected communities of publishing, academia, libraries, and bookselling.

    Academic Freedom in an Age of Conformity: Confronting the Fear of Knowledge

    £22.49 £24.99
    Universities, once at the forefront of campaigns for intellectual liberty, are now bastions of conformity. This provocative book traces the demise of academic freedom within the context of changing ideas about the purpose of the university and the nature of knowledge and is a passionate call to arms for the power of academic thought today.

    Achieving quality in community health care nursing

    £38.69 £42.99
    The application of a variety of quality approaches to commissioning, management and practice in community health care nursing is illustrated in this work. It provides a critical appraisal of quality models before considering quality issues relating to consumer feedback and the contracting process.

    Acting in British Television

    £26.09 £28.99


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