A stunning psychological thriller from one of Norway's most celebrated young novelists. Two people in exile on an isolated fjord. Two secrets. As the past tightens its grip, there may be no escape...
As the 24-hour Arctic summer is transformed into darkness by a volcanic eruption, Ari Thor must find a killer before someone else dies... NEXT in the international, bestselling Dark Iceland series
Award-winning debut French Noir thriller, first in the Roy & Castells series. A true-crime writer and a profiler join forces in the hunt for a serial killer.
The fourth mystery in the beloved and critically acclaimed Detective Kubu series tracks a series of murders and the mysterious witch doctor whose nefarious potions might hold the key to a web of missing persons.
A stunning, fast-paced action thriller, featuring single mother and bounty hunter Lori Anderson. The fabulous, breathtaking debut that everyone is talking about.