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    A Biography of Loneliness: The History of an Emotion

    £22.50 £25.00
    Despite 21st-century fears of an 'epidemic' of loneliness, its history has been neglected. This is the first book on the history of loneliness to be published in English.

    A Bite of the Apple: A Life with Books, Writers and Virago

    £9.44 £10.49
    In this insightful memoir Lennie Goodings takes the reader behind the scenes at Virago, the feminist press that she has led for twenty years. Moving from Virago's early days of independence, through its various commercial incarnations, the author reflects on idealistic publishing and how it feels to be a beacon for change.

    A Practical Approach to Alternative Dispute Resolution

    £43.19 £47.99
    A Practical Approach to Alternative Dispute Resolution provides a comprehensive commentary on all of the major areas of ADR. Its practical focus highlights the key processes and procedures for each topic, making this book ideally suited to students and practitioners embarking on ADR for the first time.

    A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure

    £47.69 £52.99
    Trusted by generations of students and litigators, this classic text is unrivalled in its detail and provides a thorough and highly practical overview of the key principles and procedures employed in the civil courts.

    A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure

    £47.69 £52.99
    The only manuals supporting students on Bar courses, providing detailed coverage of the key laws, rules and procedures alongside practical exercises.

    A Practical Approach to Conveyancing

    £47.69 £52.99
    The only manuals supporting students on Bar courses, providing detailed coverage of the key laws, rules and procedures alongside practical exercises.


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