This comprehensive text is designed to meet the needs of professional doctorate students from diverse subject disciplines. It contains analysis of the issues that may be encountered when developing research in a professional practice setting as well as outlining the process of doctoral study for professionals.
What is action research and how can it best be understood? How can practitioners use action research to deal with problems and improve services? What are the different types of action research and which might be most appropriate for use in a particular setting? This book answers these questions.
Should school governors be seen as active citizens or state volunteers? Can educational reforms and changes in the status of school governing bodies be seen as part of a wider political process? This book draws on research evidence and theories from sociology, political science, gender studies and organizational analysis to answer these questions.
Skills in advocacy are essential for every social work student and practitioner. This book provides an introduction to advocacy, examining the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to undertake advocacy roles and work constructively with the growing number of independent advocates.
After you Graduate is for students who are about to enter the world of work or those looking for a change in career direction. It takes the anxiety out of career choice and job-hunting and answers frequently-asked questions.
This book explores concepts of quality of life in older age in the theoretical literature and presents the views of a national sample of people aged sixty- five years or older. It offers a broad overview of the quality of life experienced by older people in Britain using a number of wide ranging indicators.
Through a celebration of teaching and research, this book explores exemplary practice in science education and fuses educational theory and classroom practice in unique ways. It enables the reader to move between practice and theory, reading about classroom innovation and then theorizing about the basis and potential of this teaching approach.
Challenges the notion that anti-oppressive practice has lost its potency or become commodified into a professional response to inequalities. This book explores key questions such as : How is anti-oppressive practice relevant in contemporary practice? and How can the law be used as an empowering tool?