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    Blank Verse: A Guide to Its History and Use

    £17.99 £19.99
    A protean meter, blank verse lends itself to lyric, dramatic, narrative, and meditative modes; to epigram as well as to epic. This book offers a study of the meter's technical features and its history, as well as its many uses. It also includes advice for poets of our own day who may wish to attempt the form or enhance their mastery of it.

    Cast Out: Vagrancy and Homelessness in Global and Historical Perspective

    £36.00 £40.00
    The connections among vagabondage and human labor, mobility, status, and behavior have placed vagrancy at the crossroads of a multitude of political, social, and economic processes. This book considers the shared global heritage of vagrancy laws, homelessness, and the historical processes they accompanied.

    Forget Me Not: The Rise of the British Literary Annual, 1823-1835

    £59.40 £66.00
    Katherine D. Harris assesses the phenomenal rise of the literary annual and its origins in English, German, and French literary forms as well as its social influence on women, its redefinition of the feminine, and its effects on late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century print culture.


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